Goal 1 - Strategy 4

Sustain enrollment growth by developing strategies that effectively recruit first-year, transfer, graduate, international, and non-traditional students

Strategic Enrollment Plan


  • 31%         Freshmen earning a high school GPA of 3.5 or higher
  • 1000+      Students in the Honors College
  • 70%         Indiana residents among all students, Indiana State University serves the needs of Indiana

Partnership with Ivy Tech

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As part of the university’s ongoing efforts in the area of strategic enrollment management, key representatives from Indiana State University and Ivy Tech Community College-Terre Haute Campus are formalizing academic pathways between the two institutions.  Short term efforts are focused on encouraging Ivy Tech students that have earned their associate’s degree or completed the Statewide Transfer General Education Core (STGEC) to continue their undergraduate studies at Indiana State; and likewise, directing applicants that do not meet the criteria for direct admission into Indiana State to begin their studies at Ivy Tech then transfer to Indiana State after earning their associate’s degree.  Ultimately, the joint working group envisions a dual admission option that admits students to both institutions simultaneously, allowing them to complete their first two years of coursework at Ivy Tech before transitioning seamlessly into their final two years of study at Indiana State.