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Goal 3

Goal 3: Develop interdisciplinary and collaboration in the CAS

Objective 1: Expand the range of interdisciplinary classes offered. 

    Action 1: Work with departments to assess and develop potential collaborations
      Metric 1: Number of courses shared/cross-listed between departments (+)
      Metric 2: Number of class overlap/course redundancy (-)
      Metric 3: Number of faculty who teach in cross-listed or common core courses (+)
    Action 2: Work with Foundational Studies to identify areas of needs and opportunities
      Metric 1: Number of interdisciplinary UDIE, ESR, and FPA courses proposed (+)
      Metric 2: Number of UDIE, ESR, and FPA courses offered from an interdisciplinary perspective (+)
    Action 3: Work with faculty with interdisciplinary interests to develop new classes or enhance current courses to meet the needs of existing programs or Foundational Studies
      Metric 1: Number of interdisciplinary UDIE, ESR, and FPA courses offered (+)
      Metric 2: Number of courses shared/cross-listed between departments (+)
      Metric 3: Number of team-taught course(s) (+)

Objective 2: Develop new interdisciplinary programs to meet the needs of CAS, ISU, and the state

    Action 1: Support Interdisciplinary Programs as it develops its model for the creation of new programs
      Metric 1: Faculty attendance at informational program creation sessions (+)
      Metric 2: Bylaws/procedures put in place in IP for creating new programs
      Metric 3: Number of programs proposed to IP and Liberal Studies (+)
      Metric 4: Number of programs developed in collaboration with IP and Liberal Studies (+)     Action 2: Explore and develop innovative undergraduate and graduate programs and structures
      Metric 1: Number of interdisciplinary programs revised or created (+)
    Action 3: Provide incentives for faculty to propose new programs
      Metric 1: Number of faculty participating in program development (+)
      Metric 2: Number of faculty awarded stipends or grants to work on proposals (+)
      Metric 3: Number of new programs resulting from the awards process (+)

Objective 3: Create opportunities for team-teaching and other forms of interdisciplinary pedagogy

    Action 1: Collaborate with CIRT to provide workshops on team-teaching and interdisciplinary pedagogy.
      Metric 1: Number of team-teaching/interdisciplinary pedagogy workshops offered (+)
      Metric 2: Faculty attendance at team-teaching/interdisciplinary pedagogy workshop (+)
    Action 2: Work with the Provost’s, Dean’s office, and chairpersons to identify and eliminate impediments to establish a team-teaching program
      Metric 1: Team-teaching program designed and proposed
      Metric 2: Team-teaching program approved
      Metric 3: Team-teaching program implemented
      Metric 4: Number of team-taught courses offered (+)

    Action 3: Work with the Graduate School, the Foundation, and departments to establish a fellowship for team- teaching that involves graduate students working in the classroom
      Metric 1: Fellowship designed and proposed
      Metric 2: Funding secured for graduate student team-teaching fellowship
      Metric 3: Fellowship implemented
      Metric 4: Number of students and faculty participating in fellowship (+)
      Metric 5: Number of team-taught courses offered with the support of the fellowship (+)

Objective 4: Encourage and support interdisciplinary scholarship

    Action 1: Enhance funding for interdisciplinary scholarship
      Metric 1: Number of faculty participating in interdisciplinary professional activities (+)
      Metric 2: Number of faculty supported by CAS presenting at interdisciplinary conferences (+)
      Metric 3: Number of faculty supported by CAS presenting at conferences outside the traditional conferences for their discipline (+)
    Action 2: Create an Interdisciplinary Speaker’s Series to feature interdisciplinary research
      Metric 1: Interdisciplinary Speaker’s Series established
    Action 3: Work with Sponsored Programs to help faculty identify and apply for external funding and training for interdisciplinary scholarship
      Metric 1: Number of faculty funding applications submitted (+)
      Metric 2: Number of faculty receiving funding for interdisciplinary scholarship (+)

Objective 5: Foster a community that supports interdisciplinary teaching, scholarship, and ways of thinking.

    Action 1: Create a faculty forum where faculty can meet with each other and with the Dean to communicate, discuss topics, express concerns.
      Metric 1: Forum/roundtables established
      Metric 2: Number of faculty participating in forum/roundtables (+)
    Action 2: Build connections between faculty through such ways as: brownbags, faculty colloquia, social events, sets of interest groups
      Metric 1: Faculty attendance at brownbags/colloquia/events (+)
    Action 3: Enhance the CAS web site to include more information on faculty activities, including teaching and research. Continue to use Cornerstones to market CAS achievements to the constituent members of CAS.
      Metric 1: Number of faculty activities featured (+)
      Metric 2: Submissions to Cornerstones (+)