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Working with Controlled Software

Working with Controlled Software

ISU’s Office of Information Technology is available to field questions from ISU faculty, staff, and students about the use of ISU equipment and software outside of the United States.

Traveling with Encrypted Devices

ISU-owned laptop computers are routinely equipped with encryption software and are subject to export control regulations under federal law. These regulations may permit the export or use of the controlled item under certain export license exceptions. If no exception applies or if there is no export license, use of the encrypted software or equipment in the non-U.S. country is a violation of federal law.

Some ISU software licenses restrict the use of the software in other countries, so use by ISU personnel is prohibited. Violations can have serious contractual impact or violate legal requirements. ISU faculty and staff should inquire about the use of ISU-licensed software outside of the United States.

ISU faculty, staff, and students should be aware that some countries have implemented prohibitions against use of technology equipment and software. Examples of these countries include China, Israel, and Russia, all of whom have restrictions on the import and use of encryption tools and do not allow cryptography tools to be used within their borders without a license, or in some cases, at all.

Moreover, any country can potentially confiscate systems mobile computing devices/ devices entering or leaving their borders. For that reason, Indiana State University strongly recommends the use of loaner devices when traveling internationally.

  • If your department does not have a spare device (loaner) on hand that can be used for travel, please contact your OIT Department to see if they have any spare devices for you to use during travel.
  • If travel to one of these countries is a frequent or routine occurrence and/or loaner device isn't a viable option, the OIT Security Office offers a service to work with your OIT support provider on alternative solutions.


Office of the General Counsel
Phone: (812) 237-4141

Office of Sponsored Programs
Phone: (812) 237-3088

Center for Global Engagement
Phone: (812) 237-4325

Office of Information Technology
Phone: (812) 237-2100

Purchasing and Receiving
Phone: (812) 237-3600

Human Resources
Phone: (812) 237-4114