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Conceptual Framework for Curricular Development

The purpose of the Curriculum Approval Procedures (CAPS) manual is to describe the process of curriculum review and to provide guidance for development and approval of new and revised programs and courses.

Indiana State University maintains a curriculum inventory consisting of the coordinated collection of academic programs and courses (majors, minors, certificates, licensure, Honors, Foundational Studies, experiential learning, and graduate degrees) that the University is authorized to offer. The approved degree programs are listed by CIP code at the Web site of the Indiana Commission for Higher Education (ICHE). The curriculum inventory is filed in the Office of Academic Affairs, posted in the catalogs, and maintained on computer files in the Office of Registration and Records.

This inventory undergoes continuous assessment and quality enhancement. Curricular modifications may arise in many ways—from changes in disciplines, changes in resources, strategic planning, assessment of student outcomes, recommendations of accrediting agencies, as well as reorganization and other efforts to take advantage of synergy among units and optimize use of assets. Prudent management of the curriculum inventory and University resources requires that creation of new programs and courses be balanced by elimination of those that are under-enrolled or outdated.

A strong proposal: 

  • Improves student learning and incorporates assessment;
  • Refers to specific assessment plans
  • Addresses student demand, economic climate, community needs;
  • Supports the mission of the department, college, and Indiana State University;
  • Adheres to the standards and requirements of units at various levels (program, department, college, university, and state) in such areas as admission, retention, program requirements, and graduation;
  • Incorporates accreditation standards, if relevant
  • Accounts for resources (e.g. faculty, space, facilities, technology, and library materials) at levels sufficient to support programming and to maintain quality over the long term and consistent with the priorities of the department and college;
  • Coordinates with other offerings and the interests and needs of other academic units;
  • Facilitates transfer as appropriate; and
  • Is presented in a clear, accurate, and complete manner in accordance with established University publications standards and formats.

Curriculum change requires the coordinated efforts of individuals and units throughout the University. Faculty develop and deliver the curriculum while governance bodies and academic administrators review and approve proposals. Consultations occur among departments whose programs might be affected by a proposed change, and with deans and those responsible for managing budgets, personnel, and other resources. Notifications are sent to offices that maintain curriculum and student records. The processes through which all these functions take place should be efficient as well as consistent with the nature of the proposed change and the need for quality assurance. To this end, proposals themselves must be carefully developed and prepared so as to provide all parties with information that is accurate and adequate for them to perform their roles.

The principles that guide the process of curriculum approval include efficiency, openness, collaboration, and appropriate levels of review.

  • Matters of accuracy and mechanics are addressed within the department and auditing bodies.
  • Reviewing bodies concentrate on matters of policy and quality, conducting reviews only to the extent that the nature, scope, and impact of a proposal raise issues that require deliberation and decision-making.
  • Reviewing bodies do not usually modify the substance of proposals themselves. More commonly they suggest revisions for the originating department to incorporate before the proposal can be approved and forwarded to the next level of review. Modified proposals move forward and do not require re-review by previously approving bodies.
  • Committees and councils address only those issues that are within the group’s purview and do not duplicate effort
  • Governance bodies address issues that are appropriate to their level of review. University-level governance bodies “will not ordinarily examine… minor revisions of existing curricula and programs…. New curricula and programs, and revisions sufficiently extensive that the curricula or programs are substantially new, must be examined,” (University Handbook, p. II-9).