Campus Sustainability Day

Campus Sustainability Day

Event Type



various campus locations (see description)




(812) 564-3634


The Institute for Community Sustainability hosts Campus Sustainability Day which is open to the public. It is co-sponsored by Sodexo, Sycamore Environmental Action Club, ISU Recycle Center, ISU Career Center, Tragedy Œn Time, Center for Global Engagement, Office of Campus Life and Cunningham Memorial Library.

The schedule will include:

8 a.m.-7 p.m. ­ Weigh in the Waste meals in Sycamore Dining Hall

9-10 a.m. ­ Institute for Community Sustainability and Indiana State
University Community Garden tours at Institute for Community Sustainability house, located at 219 N. 11th St.

10 a.m.-noon ­ Let¹s Talk about Sustainability table in the Commons Area

11 a.m.-1 p.m. ­ Recycle Center table set up in Cunningham Memorial Library lobby

1-2 p.m. ­ Careers in sustainability workshop in Hulman Memorial Student Union, Room 307

2-3 p.m. ­ Tragedy Œn Time performance in Hulman Memorial Student Union, room 307

3-4 p.m. ­ Let¹s Talk about Food Waste table in the Commons Area

5-7 p.m. ­ Movie night in Cunningham Memorial Library Events Area featuring 'This Changes Everything'