Goal 3 - Strategy 1

Develop and sustain impactful campus-community partnerships built on trust and reciprocity

Wabash Valley Health Center


Dr. Timothy Demchak and the students in the athletic training program provide free services to Wabash Valley Health Center patients through the Athletic Training Clinic (ATC). ATC staff members treat low income and other underserved members of the community who might be experiencing health-related setbacks that prevent or interfere with employment. The care provided by Dr. Demchak and his students allows the patients to re-engage with the community as active, productive citizens.

One patient described his experience with Dr. Tim and the ATC staff with a limerick:

There is a professor named Dr. Tim,
Most of his patients arrive very grim.
He turns up the dial,
Then makes them smile.
Though some he’d like to say “get slim” ~ S.S.

Since February 2010, the Athletic Training Clinic has served over 6,594 patients and provided medical services with an estimated value of $989,100.

Vigo County School Corporation Mentor Program

Currently in its third year, the Vigo County School Corporation Mentor Program includes 35 mentor-mentees relationships. The intent of the mentor program is to encourage student learning and discovery, celebrate mentee accomplishments, and introduce and promote opportunities for higher education.

Terre Haute Chamber of Commerce Partnership


Indiana State University and the Terre Haute Chamber of Commerce share the goal of developing a vibrant downtown sector. The university collaborates with Downtown Terre Haute (DTH), an entity within the Chamber of Commerce, to preserve, create, and promote a lively downtown community by establishing the city center as a hub for business, entertainment, government, arts, and educational activity. DTH sponsors a variety of events to encourage residents and non-residents to visit the downtown area. The First Fridays program, for example, brings local residents, students, and visitors together to enjoy programming and patronize businesses, restaurants, and museums.

Indiana State also partners with the city of Terre Haute and private stakeholders to revitalize the downtown area. A few of the recently completed construction projects include: the Indiana State University Barnes and Noble Bookstore; the Indiana State University Foundation and Alumni Association building; Federal Hall, home of Indiana State’s Scott College of Business; and the 500 Wabash Apartment complex. In 2020, a newly renovated Hulman Center will bring even more energy to the downtown corridor.