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Recruitment and Student Success

Lilly Grant

Project Summary:

Indiana State’s Sycamores Achieve: Scaling to Success proposal refines, integrates, and scales the following institutional elements together to dramatically transform completion rates for students from all backgrounds:

  1. Academic maps and curriculum redesign
  2. Technology and Analytics
  3. Case-management Advising
  4. High impact practices and affinity groups

Key Objectives:

  1. Increase Project Success 2020 participation rates by 60 percent to 800 per cohort.
  2. Increase Project Success 2020 1st to 2nd, 2nd to 3rd, and 3rd to 4th retention rates by 10 percentage points.
  3. Increase Project Success 2020 4-year graduation rate by 7 percent points.


  • Full integration of DegreeWorks will allow the institution to
    1. map out student pathways from first-day to graduation,
    2. monitor progress and identification of alternative routes for timely degree completion,
    3. provide clarity on credit transfer, and
    4. assist the institution in predicting course demand and scheduling.
  • University-wide curriculum redesign, grounded in best practices, informed by the work of the institution’s Strategic Enrollment Management Council, and now central to the University’s new strategic plan.
  • Obtain a student success platform which will provide critical point-in-time information about students, allowing for timely intervention by advisors, instructors and student success staff.
  • Indiana State will scale up the UC’s innovative case-management method
  • Indiana State will use Phase III funding to provide mini grants for students to participate in meaningful HIP experiences.
  • Use Phase III funding to offer mini grants to affinity groups and Student Affairs organizations to develop co-curricular experiences that promote belonging, efficacy, and agency.

Current Status: On Track

(Starting Project Plans)

Click here to view Lilly Grant Phase III >

Lilly Grant Phase II >
Lilly Grant Phase I >