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Dannelly, H. Kathleen

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H. Kathleen Dannelly

Associate Professor

Ph.D., Arizona State University

Phone: 812-237-2413


Office: Science Building 291

Research Interests: Microbiology: adaptation to environmental change, control of bacterial metabolism, antibiotic resistance mechanisms, and pathogenic mechanisms in Helicobacter pylori and methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus.

Please see the Dannelly homepage for information on current projects, an updated publication list and current members of the lab.

Selected Publications

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Dannelly, H.K., Chamberlain, A., Honecki, D. Pass, A. (2005) Community-acquired Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Infections of Turf Burns, Sports Medicine, (In Preparation).

Li, Y., Dannelly, H. K. (2005) A preliminary study on the putative tetracycline resistance gene HP1165 in Helicobacter pylori. Archives in Microbiology, (In Review).

Dannelly, H. K., Brake, S. (2005) Characterization of Euglena mutabilis from acid mine drainage and potential role in bioremediation. Appl.Env.Micro., (In Preparation).

Waworuntu, R., Dannelly, H. K. (2004) Killing Efficiency of Contact Lens Solutions after Incubation with Lenses. Eye and Contact Lens. 30

Brake, S. S., Hasiotis, S. T., Dannelly, H. K. (2004) Diatoms in Acid Mine Drainage and Their Role in the Formation of Iron-Rich Stromatolites. Geomicrobiology Journal, 21:331-340.

Whitaker, Jr., J. O., Prentice, D. A. and Dannelly, H. K. (2004) Chitinase in Insectivorous Bats? J. Mammol. 85 (1): 15-18.

Brake, S. S., Hasiotis, S. T., Dannelly, H. K., Connors, K. A. (2002) Eukaryotic stromatolite builders in acid mine drainage: implications for precambrian iron formations and oxygenation of the atmosphere? Geology, 30(7): 599-602.

Dannelly, H.K., Liu, Y. & Ghosh, S.K. (2001). Pseudomonas aeruginosa corneal infection affects cholinergic enzymes in rat lacrimal gland. Arch Microbiol 177:47-53. ( Abstract )

Sinha, K., Dannelly, H.K., & Ghosh, S.K.. (2001). Effects of T-lymphocyte-dependent and -independent immunity on cholinergic enzyme activity in mouse lacrimal gland. Experimental Physiology 86(2):169-176.

Brake, S. S., Dannelly, H. K., Conners, K. A., and Hasiotis, S. T. (2001) Influence of water chemistry on the distribution of an acidophilic protozoan in an acid mine drainage system at the abandoned Green Valley coal mine, Indiana, USA. Applied Geochemistry 16:1641-1652.

Brake, S. S., Dannelly, H. K., and Conner, K. A. (2001) Controls on the nature and distribution of an alga in coal mine-waste environments and its potential impact on water quality. J. Environmental Geology 40 (4-5):458-468.

Tsai, T. and Dannelly, H. K. (2000) How dangerous is non-compliance with multipurpose disinfecting solutions? Contact Lens Spectrum, January 2000.

Brake, S. S., Dannelly, H. K., Jones, M., Lawson, L. A. (1999) Acid mine drainage at the green valley mine, Vigo County, Indiana: Possible influence of an acidophilic alga. Department of Geography, Geology, and Anthropology, Indiana State University, Professional Paper Series No. 21: Indiana Studies.

Dantley, K. A., Dannelly, H. K., Burdett, V. (1998) Binding Interaction between Tet(M) and the ribosome: Requirements for binding. Journal of Bacteriology 180: 4089-4092.

Dannelly, H. K. and S. Roseman. (1996). Active Site Phosphorylation of Enzyme I of the Bacterial Phosphotransferase System by an ATP-dependent kinase. J. Biol. Chem. 271: 15285-15291.

Dannelly, H. K . and S. Roseman. (1992). NAD+ and NADH Regulate an ATP-dependent Kinase that Phosphorylates Enzyme I of the Escherichia coli Phosphotransferase System. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 89: 11274-11276.

Dannelly, H. K. and Reeves, H. C. (1989) Phosphorylation of Escherichia coli enolase. Biochemie 71: 1095-1100.

Dannelly, H. K., Cortay, J. -C., Cozzone, A. J. and Reeves, H. C. (1989) Identification of Phosphoserine in in vivo-labeled enolase from Escherichia coli. Current Microbiology 19: 237-240.

Dannelly, H. K. and Reeves, H. C. (1989) In vivo phosphorylation of enolase from Escherichia coli. Current Microbiology 18: 127-129.

Dannelly, H. K. and Reeves, H. C. (1988) Purification and characterization of enolase from Escherichia coli. Current Microbiology 17: 265-268.

Robertson, E. F., Dannelly, H. K., Malloy, P. J. and Reeves, H. C. (1987) Rapid isoelectric focusing in a vertical polyacrylamide minigel system. Analytical Biochemistry 167: 290-294.