Staying in Contact

Life as an international student can be enjoyable and what better way to make it more exciting than sharing it with family and friends. Smart phones are the handy tool that keep you connected to your dear ones and ensure that help is available at all times. Here are a few Do's and Don'ts about cell phones and smart devices.

  • When travelling to the US, always make sure you have a charger for your device. Also note that you will require a universal plug adapter in addition to a charger as most electrical fittings in US are made for 2-prong or 3-prong plugs.
  • There is a huge range of network providers and different data plans. Choose one that fits your need and budget based on your usage. For example, if you are more likely to make a lot of international calls it is wiser to choose a plan that offers good rates or is easy to upgrade when necessary.
  • ISU campus has their own WiFi networks namely ISU-OPEN for visitors and ISU-SECURE for you (as a student or staff). Use your ISU credentials to connect to this network anywhere on campus. 
  • Most housing and renting places offer WiFi and if not, you can always have one setup (a good option if you're sharing). Even though you must be cautious about free and open WiFi, it is an alternative that is always available. You may want to keep these in mind when choosing the right plan for your phone and save a few dollars by choosing smartly.
  • If you're planning on buying a new device after coming to the US, note that most sellers offer phones with network plans. It may look like a very good deal at first but please ensure that you have noted the terms and conditions after the plan expires, else you might end up getting heavy bills. You can always choose to buy your phone and network plans separately. 
  • Social media has taken us by a storm and US is no different. Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and different messenger apps are most widely used. Find your people back home on these to stay connected and make new friends as you go! 
  • Always make sure you have updated you emergency contact number with the University's Immigration Office. This is for emergencies only and hence highly recommended.