Student Events

Sycamore Safe Zone Level 1 Workshop

Sycamore Safe Zone (SSZ) is an ally development program created through the Office of Diversity to establish a campus that is safe and affirming for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) students, faculty and staff.  The Sycamore Safe Zone program aims to create a visible network of support for LGBTQ individuals and their allies by providing an avenue through which any member of the Indiana State Community can show their support. The program also creates an educational experience through the Safe Zone Workshop.

Lessons of Ferguson: A Campus Discussion

Developments in Ferguson, Missouri, after the death of Michael Brown, reveal ongoing tension in American race relations about law, housing, economic opportunity, policing and social media. Ferguson demands a conversation. As a community and an institution of education, we should be asking questions even if we don’t have all the answers.

Please join us for a panel and discussion.

Generations Holiday Celebration

Generations Holiday Celebration.  Menu to feature Prime Rib, Bourbon Glazed Ham, Zia's Nutty Chicken, Chilled Shrimp, Spinach Lasagna, Sweet Corn Pudding, Cherries Jubilee over Ice Cream, Chocolate Fondue and more. Join us for a celebration complete with Santa and his Elves. Photo's with Santa available.  Price is $12.00 all inclusive. Reservations are encouraged.  Please phone 237-7655 or email for reservations.

ISU Sexual Violence Prevention & Response Coalition Meeting

The Sexual Violence Coalition is a collaborative effort by concerned Sycamores to bring the seriousness of this problem to the forefront on the Indiana State University Campus. Our goal is to reduce sexual assault risks and affect attitudinal and behavioral changes through: meaningful education programs, prompt and compassionate response to incidents of sexual violence and coordination of relationships between campus and community systems. We challenge faculty, staff, students and community members to work toward the elimination of violence toward all people on our campus. 

Forks Over Knives Documentary Screening

The documentary Forks Over Knives will be playing in the Library Events Area on Monday, Nov. 17 at 6 p.m. There will be a panel of experts to answer questions after the movie and popcorn to munch on during the movie.

Forks Over Knives is a 2011 American documentary film directed by American independent filmmaker Lee Fulkerson that advocates a low-fat whole-food, plant-based diet as a means of combating a number of diseases.
