Health Care Providers Liability/Professional Liability

Health Care Providers Liability/Professional Liability

Indiana State University carries Health Care Facility and Health Care Providers Professional Liability Insurance covering professional employees of ISU’s Physical Therapy & Sports Rehabilitation Clinic, Student Counseling Center, Psychology Clinic, Grosjean Clinic, Sycamore Nursing Center and the Mollie Wheat Clinic.

Also covered are professional and non-professional employees as well as professional student interns while acting within the scope of their duties.

Student interns, in their professional capacity, are covered in the amount of $250,000/$750,000 during internships in Indiana. Coverage in the amount of $1,000,000/$3,000,000 is provided for internships outside the State.


Rankin Hall 200
Indiana State University
Phone: 812.237.7946
Fax: 812.237.3607
Email Risk Management

Office Hours:

8:00 AM - 4:30 PM