Dr. Brooke Drew

Dr. Brooke Drew
Anthrop Col Mgr-NAGPRA Coord
Earth and Environmental Systems, Department of
Arts and Sciences, College of
Department of Earth and Environmental Systems
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  • Ph.D. - Anthropology Ph.D., University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee - 2018
  • M.A. - Interdisciplinary Studies, Oregon State University - 2004
ENVI 130 World Cultures and Environments
ENVI 201 Prehistory and Climate Change
ENVI 435 Issues in Biological Anthropology

2018 Ph.D. Archaeology, University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee
2008 M.A.I.S. Historical Archaeology/Mortuary Archaeology/History of the Near Environment, Oregon State University
2004 B.S. Applied Anthropology, Oregon State University



Drew, B.L. (2018). Death in anonymity: Population dynamics and the individual within the Milwaukee County Poor Farm Cemetery, 1882–1925. (Unpublished dissertation). University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI.


Boulware, B.L. (2008). The deathscape of St. Paul: Historic cemeteries as cultural landscapes. (Unpublished master’s thesis). Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.

Book Chapters

Richards, P.B., Jones, C.R., Epstein, E.M., Richards, N.W., Drew, B.L., & Zych, T.J. (2016). “You couldn’t identify your grandmother if she were in that party”:The bioarchaeology of postmortem investigation at the Milwaukee County Poor Farm Cemetery. In N.C. Nystrom (Ed.), The bioarchaeology of dissection and autopsy in the United States. New York: Springer International Publishing.

Journal Articles

Picard, J.L., Balco, W.M., Drew, B.L., Richards, J.D. (2015). Summary of phase III excavations at the McHugh site (47WP294), Waupauca County, Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Archaeologist (96)1: 118–123.

Drew, B.L. Ideology in historic cemeteries: A case study from St. Paul, OR. Field Notes: A Collegiate Journal of Anthropology (2)1: 1–14.

Compliance Reports

Richards, P.B., Burant, E.E., Drew, B.L., Epstein, E.M., Jones, C.R., Richards, N.W., & Zych, T.J. (2016). Nine for mortal men doomed to die: The archaeology and osteology of the 2013 Milwaukee County Poor Farm Cemetery project (Froedtert Tract - 47MI0527). University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee Archaeological Research Laboratory Report of Investigations No. 381. Milwaukee, WI.

Zych, T.J., Drew, B.L., Zweig, C., & Richards, J.D. (2014). Phase II archaeological investigations of the Elder Brook School site (47OU309), Outagamie County, Wisconsin. University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee Archaeological Research Laboratory Report of Investigations No. 213. Milwaukee, WI.

Drew, B.L. & Richards, J.D. (2012). Phase II archaeological investigations of the McHugh site (47WP294), a nineteenth century Irish farmstead in Waupauca County. University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee Archaeological Research Laboratory Report of Investigations No. 187. Milwaukee, WI.

Terre Haute Farmer's Market Board of Directors

2018-present  Field Excavator/Analyst, Cardno

2011-2014 Collections Manager, Department of Anthropology | University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee

2013  Staff Archaeologist, Milwaukee County Poor Farm Cemetery Excavation, Historic Resource Management Services | University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee

2004-2008  Supervisor/Analyst, Historical Archaeology Lab | Oregon State University 

2006-2007  Board Member, St. Paul Mission Historical Society, St. Paul, Oregon

2005-2007  Collections Manager, St. Paul Mission Historical Society, St. Paul, Oregon

2007  Records Supervisor/Excavation Supervisor, Episkopi-Bamboula Archaeological Project, Cyprus | University of Cincinnati

2006  Field Director, Fort Yamhill Archaeological Field School | Oregon State University

2005  Field Foreman, Fort Yamhill Archaeological Field School | Oregon State University

2004  Field Lab Technician, Fort Yamhill Archaeological Field School | Oregon State University

2003  Lab Volunteer, Champoeg Archaeological Field School | Oregon State University

2003  Student Excavator, Champoeg Archaeological Field School | Oregon State University

Historical Archaeology

Mortuary Archaeology

Historic Cemeteries


Historic Material Culture

History of Archaeology

Anthropological Theory