Critical Conversations Film Series: Dreamwork 3

Critical Conversations Film Series: Dreamwork 3

Event Type



Hulman Memorial Student Union, Room 407




(812) 237-8513


Critical Converstions Film Series Dreamworks 3: Desire, Sex & Power in Music Video (Film Screening). Discussion led by Mrs. Azizi Arrington-Slocum and Mr. Aaron Slocum. Dreamworlds 3, the latest in Sut Jhally's critically acclaimed Dreamworlds series, takes a clarifying look at the warped world of music video. Ranging across hundreds of images and stories from scores of music videos, Jhally uncovers a dangerous industry preoccupation with reactionary ideals of femininity and masculinity, and shows how these ideals have glamorized a deeply sexist worldview in the face of the women's movement and the fight for women's rights. In the end, Dreamworlds 3 challenges young people to think seriously about how forms of entertainment that might seen innocuous and inconsequential can be implicated in serious real-world problems like gender violence, misogyny, homophobia, and racism. Viewer discretion advised: Both full & abridged versions contain violence and sexual imagery