Critical Converstion Film Series #regeneration: This is an uprising

Critical Converstion Film Series #regeneration: This is an uprising

Event Type



Hulman Memorial Student Union, room 321




(812) 237-2877


Ryan Gosling narrates this engrossing film about social activism, the forces that galvanized the Occupy movement, and how a new generation of young people is coming to terms with a rapidly changing world. The film skillfully weaves commentary from some of the country's leading political and social analysts with personal observations from a collective of young musicians, a tight-knit group of suburban high-school students, and a young conservative family, providing a nuanced look at the myriad challenges facing the next generation of Americans. The result is as personal as it is political, as much a portrait of the contemporary political scene as of a generation of young people finding their way in uncertain times. Discussion led by Peter Leavitt, assistant professor, Indiana State University, department of psychology