Dr. Mohamed Elyassini

Dr. Mohamed Elyassini
Associate Professor
Earth and Environmental Systems, Department of
Arts and Sciences, College of
S 159 J
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  • Ph.D. - Geography, University of Kentucky - 1995

Professional Webpage


Awards and Honors

  • Middle East Studies Association's Malcom H. Kerr Dissertation Award in Social Sciences: Honorable Mention (Global Restructuring and Peripheral States: The Carrot and the Stick in Mauritania, Littlefield Adam Books, Lanham, Maryland, 1996) - 1995

Licensures and Certifications

Teaching Interests

  • Areas of teaching interests include<b> </b><b>Geography of the Middle East</b>,<br><b>Geographies of the Palestine-Israel Conflict</b>, <b>Global Geopolitics</b>, <b>Development Studies</b>, <b>Islamic Studies</b>, <b>Geographic Thought</b>, <b>Global Geography</b>, <b>World Cultures & Environments </b>

Intellectual Contributions

  • Geopolitics and the weaponization of Culture: From British-sponsored Jewish Zionism (1809-1947) to American-sponsored Islamic Jihadism (1979-present)
  • Genesis and Prospect of the Palestine-Israel Conflict: From the Jewish Question in Europe to the Jewish State in Palestine and the Jewish Lobby in the United States https://www.indstate.edu/cas/sites/arts.indstate.edu/files/Faculty/melyassini/mee%20book%20draft%20in%20progress%20rdzip_3.pdf
  • U.S.-Mauritania Relations and the Coriolis Force of Normalization with Israel http://www.indstate.edu/cas/sites/arts.indstate.edu/files/Faculty/melyassini/U.S.-Mauritania%20Relations%20and%20the%20Coriolis%20Force%20of%20Normalization%20with%20Israel.pdf - Centre de Recherche en Economie Appliquée au Développement (CREAD), Algeria - 2007
  • Currency Devaluation and Resource Transfer from the South to the North - Annals of the Association of American Geographers - 2003
  • Global Restructuring and Peripheral States: The Carrot and the Stick in Mauritania - Littlefield Adams Books, Lanham, Maryland - 1996


  • The Non-Semitic Origins of Contemporary Jews. Annual Indiana Academy of Social Science Conference, 2013.
  • Who Is Calling the Shots in Terms of U.S. Middle East Policy? The U.S. Government, the Israel Lobby, or the State of Israel?. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers 2023, 2023.
  • Geopolitics and the weaponization of culture: From British-sponsored Jewish Zionism (1809-1947) to American-sponsored Islamic Jihadism (1979-Present). Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, 2022.
  • Geopolitics and culture: From British-sponsored Jewish Zionism to American-sponsored Islamic Jihadism. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, 2018.
  • Did the “Jewish” state in Palestine beget the “Islamic” state in Iraq and Syria?. Annual Meeting of the Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences, 2016.

Contract, Fellowship, Grant or Sponsored Research

  • Grant: Currency Devaluation and Resource Transfer from the South to the North - Indiana State University Office of Sponsored Programs 2000 - 2000. Funded - $2,000
  • Grant: Career DevelopmeInt Grant for Young Scientists (Global Adjustment: Implications for Peripheral States) - Islamic ًWorld Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - 1996.
  • Grant: U.S. Fulbright Scholar grant: Teaching Abroad and Bridging Cultures - U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs 2011 - 2012. Funded - $46,000

Research Interests

  • Areas of research interests<b> </b>include<b> </b><b>Palestine-Israel conflict</b>, <b>Global Geopolitics</b>, <b>Development Studies </b>​

University Service

  • Role: Member - ISU Faculty Senate 2002 - 2003
  • Role: Secretary - CAS Faculty Council 2018 - 2019

Professional Service

  • Role: Reviewer, Grant Proposal - Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program 2018 - 2018

Public/Community Service

  • Role: Officer, Secretary - Board of Trustees of the Islamic Center of Terre Haute 2011 - 2017
  • Role: Committee Member - United Way Review Team for Early Childhood Education 2013 - 2015

Mohamed Elmey Elyassini (alias Mohameden Ould-Mey) is associate professor of geography in the Department of Earth and Environmental Systems at Indiana State University. His major areas of teaching and research interest include (1) the Middle East and North Africa, (2) the Palestine-Israel conflict, (3) globalization and development studies, and (4) development of geographic thought. His current research-in-progress includes a book project entitled “Genesis and Prospect of the Palestine-Israel Conflict: From the Jewish Question in Europe to the Jewish State in Palestine and the Jewish Lobby in America,” and a journal article entitled “Geopolitics and the Weaponization of Culture: From British-Sponsored Zionism to American-Sponsored Jihadism.” His published works include “Mauritania between the Hammer of Economic Globalization and the Anvil of Multiparty Factionalism,” In North Africa: Politics, Region, and the Limits of Transformation (London: Routledge, 2008); “U.S.-Mauritania Relations and the Coriolis Force of Normalization with Israel,” In Les Etats-Unis et le Maghreb, regain d’intérêt? (Alger: Centre de Recherche en Economie Appliquée au Développement, 2007); “Geopolitical Genesis and Prospect of Zionism,” International Journal of the Humanities 2(2), 2006; “Currency Devaluation and Resource Transfer from the South to the North,” Annals of the Association of American Geographers 93(2), 2003; “The Non-Jewish Origin of Zionism,” The Arab World Geographer 5(1), 2002; “The New Global Command Economy,” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 17(2), 1999; and Global Restructuring and Peripheral States: The Carrot and the Stick in Mauritania (Lanham, MD: Littlefield Adams Books, 1996). https://www.indstate.edu/cas/faculty/melyassini

ENVI 423: Geography of the Middle East
ENVI 130: World Cultures & Environments
ENVI 419: Global Geography
GEOG 632: Seminar in Global Studies
GEOG 710: Seminar in Economic Geography
GEOG 612: Development of Geographic Thought

Ph.D. in Geography, University of Kentucky, 1995.

2016 AAG paper abstract, Did the Jewish state in Palestine beget the Islamic state in Iraq and Syria? San Francisco, March 29-April 2, 2016.

2015 Book Project Genesis and Prospect of the Palestine-Israeli Conflict: From the Jewish Question in Europe to the Jewish State in Palestine and the Jewish Lobby in America.

2012 Journal Article  لمحة تاريخية عن قبيلة أولاد حَـنِّـيـنْ الأنصارية  ("A Glance at the History of the Awlad Hanneen Ansari Tribe"), solicited by the Ansar Association of the Saqiat Elhamra.

2011 The Political Motives behind NATO Aggression against Libya (A blog post).

2009 Why Do They Hate Us?--Geography of the Palestine-Israel Conflict and the USA, presentation to the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (15-19 April 2008, Boston, Massachusetts), the West Lakes Division of the Association of American Geographers (Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, 13-15 November 2008), and the Social Science Research Colloquium (Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Indiana, 25 February 2009).

2008 Opinion Article Mauritania needs direct, not representative democracy, solicited and then rejected by Carnegie’s Arab Reform Bulletin for the September 2008 issue.

2008 Book Chapter Mauritania between the Hammer of Economic Globalization and the Anvil of Multiparty Factionalism, In Yahia Zoubir and Haizam Amirah-Fernández, eds., North Africa: Politics, Region, and the Limits of Transformation (London: Routledge, pp. 71-89)..

2007 Book Chapter "U.S.-Mauritania Relations and the Coriolis Force of Normalization with Israel," In Les Etats-Unis et le Maghreb; regain d’intérêt? sous la direction de Abdennour Benantar, Alger: Centre de Recherche en Economie Appliquée au Développement (CREAD), pp. 227-263.

2006 Book Chapter "Currency Devaluation and Poverty in Mauritania," In Kwadwo Konadu-Agyemang and Martin Kwamina Panford, eds. Africa's development in the twenty-first century: pertinent socio-economic and development issues, (Aldershot: Ashgate).

2006 Monograph Geopolitical Genesis and Prospect of Zionism, International Journal of the Humanities 2(2):1591-1598.

2006 Book Chapter "Structural Adjustment Programs and Democratization in Africa," In John Mukum Mbaku and Julius O. Ihonvbere, eds. Multiparty Democracy and Political Change: Constraints to Democratization in Africa (Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press), pp. 35-66.

2005 Monograph The Non-Jewish Origin of Zionism, International Journal of the Humanities 1(1):591-610.

2005 Journal Article The Non-Semitic Origins of Contemporary Jews, rejected by four anonymous reviews solicited by the Annals of the Association of American Geographers and Antipode. Read the reviews.                                                      

2004 Journal Article Geopolitical Genesis of Herzlian Zionism, Political Geography. The paper was withdrawn from the publication queue by University of Colorado Professor John O'Loughlin, a pro-Israel Irish immigrant in the United States, a 2004-2005 John Simon Guggenheim Fellow, and author of “Editorial Essays: Israel at 50,” Political Geography 18(2), 1999. Read acceptance and withdrawal letters. Read summary of facts about this issue.

2003 Journal Article Currency Devaluation and Resource Transfer from the South to the North, Annals of the Association of American Geographers 93(2):463-484.

2003 Book Review of Dorothy Drummond’s Holy Land, Whose Land? Modern Dilemma, Ancient Roots (Educare Press,  2002), The Arab World Geographer/Le Géographe du monde arabe 6(2):143-147.

2003 Journal Article Geopolitical Genesis and Prospect of Zionism, Political Geography. The paper was withdrawn from press by University of Colorado Professor John O'Loughlin, a pro-Israel Irish immigrant in the United States, a 2004-2005 John Simon Guggenheim Fellow, and author of “Editorial Essays: Israel at 50,” Political Geography 18(2), 1999.

2003 Journal Article (republished) الأصل غير اليهودي للصهيونية (The Non-Jewish Origin of Zionism), Majallat Kanaan 113:29-60.

2002 Journal Article The Non-Jewish Origin of Zionism, The Arab World Geographer 5(1):34-52.

2000 Book Review of Hilal Khashan's Arabs at the Crossroads: Political Identity and Nationalism (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2000), The Arab World Geographer/Le Géographe du monde arabe 3(2):141-147.

1999 Journal Article The New Global Command Economy, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 17(2):155-180.

1999 Book Review of Boutros Boutros-Ghali's Unvanquished: A U.S.-U.N. Saga (New York: Random House, 1999), The Arab World Geographer/Le Géographe du monde arabe 2(3):254-257.

1998 Book Chapter Denationalization of the Mauritanian State,  In John Pickles and Adrian Smith, eds. Theorising Transition: The Political Economy of Post-Communist Transformations (New York: Routledge Publishers), pp. 389-407.

1998 Book Chapter "Structural Adjustment Programs and Democratization in Africa," In John Mukum Mbaku and Julius O. Ihonvbere, eds. Multiparty Democracy and Political Change: Constraints to Democratization in Africa (Brookfield, USA: Ashgate), pp. 33-63.

1998 Book Review of Anthony G. Pazzanita's Historical Dictionary of Mauritania, Second Edition (London: Scarecrow Press, 1996), Journal of Third World Studies 15(2):187-188.

1996 Book Global Restructuring and Peripheral States: The Carrot and the Stick in Mauritania (Lanham, Maryland: Littlefield Adams Books).

1995 Journal Article "Democratization in Africa: The Political Face of SAPs," Journal of Third World Studies 12(2):122-158.

1994 Journal Article "Global Adjustment: Implications for Peripheral States," Third World Quarterly 15(2):319-336.

1989 Journal Article "Cash Crops Versus Food Crops in Africa: A Struggle between Dependency and Autonomy," Annales de la Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines 1:14-25.

Member of United Way of the Wabash Valley Review Team for Early Childhood Education

Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Islamic Center of Terre Haute

Middle East

Middle East The Palestine-Israel Conflict Globalization Development Studies