Wellness Discounts and More

After your biometric screening, you will receive a report illustrating your health scores for cholesterol, glucose, etc.  The

will help you understand what these numbers are and how your numbers compare to healthy targets.

If you complete both the online health risk assessment questionnaire AND biometric screening, you will be eligible for a discount on your health coverage rates for 2019. 

PDF iconInstructions for One Community

Tobacco Information

In recent studies it was found that almost 200,000 preventable deaths occur each year in the United States from heart disease and stroke. It was noted that people can greatly reduce their risk by eating less salt, managing their blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes and changing their lifestyle behaviors. The number one cause of preventable death in the United States was attributed to tobacco use which has been linked to several types of cancer, chronic lung and heart disease, pregnancy related issues and other serious health problems.

During 2019, for employees and spouses/partners who do not use tobacco, you can indicate so as you sign a Tobacco Use Affidavit and avoid a tobacco surcharge.  You can also avoid the surcharge if you are currently using tobacco, but intend to quit AND participate in a tobacco cessation program.  Participants may elect Tobacco Cessation for two years only.  If participants continue to use tobacco products after two years of cessation efforts, a tobacco surcharge will be assessed from that point forward.

Tobacco Cessation Opportunities

  • American Cancer Society has urged those who are currently smoking to become smoke-free through the use of cessation classes.  www.ffsonline.org Lung Helpline 1-800-548-8252.  Please contact them for more information.
  • Indiana's Tobacco Quitline, Web Coach, Text2Quit, Quit For Life, www.equitnow.com or 1-800-784-8669.
  • ISU Prescription Drug Assistance - talk with your doctor.  You must have a prescription to receive one of the following at no cost to you:  Chantix, Nicotrol NS, Nicotrol Inhaler, or Zyban.


Wellness Incentive and Tobacco Surcharge 2019

Employees and spouses covered on the University's health plan who voluntarily participate in the biometric screenings and complete the online Health Risk Assessment will receive the following incentives:

Health Coverage Tier                         Monthly Incentive                         Bi-Weekly Incentive

Employee Only                                  $30 per pay                                 $15 per pay

Employee/Child(ren)                          $30 per pay                                 $15 per pay


     Employee                                     $30 per pay                                 $15 per pay

     Spouse                                         $20 per pay                                 $10 per pay


     Employee                                    $30 per pay                                 $15 per pay

     Spouse                                        $20 per pay                                 $10 per pay


For 2019, employees who use tobacco products will be charged a $50 Tobacco Surcharge and spouses who use tobacco products will also be charged a separate $50 Tobacco Surcharge as follows:

Tobacco User                   Monthly Surcharge                        Bi-weekly Surcharge

Employee                        $50 per pay                                   $25 per pay

Spouse                            $50 per pay                                   $25 per pay

Therefore, if an employee and spouse are both tobacco users, the total Surcharge will be $100 per month added to the health plan rate beginning in January 2018.