Monthly Health Topics

APRIL 2019

Wellness Workshop "Office Ergonomics"   1:30-2:00pm Monday, April 22 in HMSU 321. Small changes to our office environment and work habits can improve our health.  Join Priya Bakshi, Asst Professor of Occupational Therapy for a brief presentation, Q&A and demonstrations. 

MARCH 2019

Sleep Soundly  2:30-3:00pm Friday, March 15  Stop by the lobby of Rankin Hall to take a short sleep survey and pick up tips on ways to sleep more soundly.  The first 20 employees who stop by will be gifted a blanket.  No need to register.

Wellness Workshop "Motivation for Healthy Behavior Changes"  12:00-12:30pm March 8 at CHHS room A 125   Are you having trouble meeting those New Year's Resolutions?  Motivational Interviewing may help!  Doctor of Physical Therapy students, under faculty supervision of Dr. Howell Tapley, will offer free sessions to help you improve your health behaviors.  


Wellness Workshop "Under Pressure:  Blood pressure and heart health" February 28 at 11:30am in the Library Events Area.  Kim Rhodes, NP Union Occupational Health, will present how we can care for our heart health.  Stay and have your blood pressure checked after the presentation.