What percentage of manuscripts is accepted?

Our acceptance rate is currently 37%.

If my paper is rejected, can I revise & resubmit it?

The two editorial decisions that effectively mean that your paper has been rejected are Decline Submission and Resubmit Elsewhere. In either of these cases, you should not resubmit it to the JCEHE. You are encouraged to consider the reviewer's and editor's feedback in order to strengthen the paper. Once it has been rejected, you are free to submit it to another journal.

Do you have a deadline for manuscript submission? How often do your review submission?

No, we do not have a deadline for submission. The JCEHE accepts manuscripts year-round, and we will start the reviewing process once the submission has been submitted to our journal system.

When will I receive feedback or my submission and an editorial decision?

Technical Review - 10 business days upon receipt of initial submission.

Editorial Decision - 8 weeks upon receipt of revised manuscript.

Who can see my manuscript after submission?

The Editor and Editorial Assistant will have access to the blinded and unblinded versions of the manuscript. Reviewers will only have access to the blinded version. No other personnel except the ones stated above will have access to the manuscripts until publication.

What are some common reasons manuscripts are rejected?

Editorial decision is based on a holistic evaluation provided by the editorial board. One important factor that influences editorial board's evaluation is the ratings provided by the reviewers. Common reasons that can result in a low rating are listed below:

1. The outcomes and impact of engagement as it relates to the community are either not mentioned or only minimally presented and discussed in the submission.
2. Soundness of the research method.
3. The manuscript does not fit with the JCEHE's core interests.
4. The manuscript does not follow APA format, and the author(s) fails to respond to the issues addressed in the Technical Review.
5. The author(s) fails to respond to the JCEHE on or before any due date during the process of pursuing publication.
6. Composition quality (Grammar, organization, coherence).

What topics are you looking for?

We welcome all topics related to Community Engagement and Higher Education. There are 6 submission categories, including 1. Perspectives, 2. Research and Theory, 3. Insights, Case Studies, and Applications, 4. Forum, 5. Research Notes, 6. Book Review.

Can I submit a manuscript more than one category?

No, the categories are essentially different from each other. Therefore, it is very unlikely an author will find his/her article fit more than one category.

How long will the submission process take?

The JCEHE has accepted all manuscripts slated for publication 2016. Any submissions made at this time, if accepted, would be published in 2017. (updated 7/2016)

How long has the JCEHE been in publication?

The JCEHE published its first issue in 2009. Currently we publish 2 regular issues per year

Who can I contact to help guide me? Who can I talk to or email my questions?

You can contact the following staff if you have questions:

Dr. Catherine Paterson (Editor): cat.paterson@indstate.edu

Mr. Weiran Ma (Editorial Assistant): wma@sycamores.indstate.edu

Is there a limit on submissions annually?

The JCEHE does not set a maximum number of submissions by an author.

Contact Info

Center for Community Engagement

Indiana State University
Tirey Hall 134
Terre Haute, Indiana 47809

Phone: 812-237-2335
Fax: (812) 237-2525

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