Adding a New Basic Page

  • Login to your Drupal account. ( Refer Login).

  • After login select My Workbench >> Create Content>> Basic page.


  • Click on Site-wide from Basic page



  • Enter the Title for the page.


  • Enter the contents of the page in the Body Section.(Refer WYSIWYG )


  • Scroll down and select Menu Settings.

    o Enter the Menu Link Title.

    If the Name of the page is too long, For instance Center for Student Success, you can reduce it to CFSS if needed (not required).

    o Select the Parent item.

    NOTE: For Parent Item select the appropriate Parent. For example if the page belongs to Academic affairs then select the Academic Affairs from the list.


  • Select URL path settings.

    o Generate automatic URL alias auto-generates the URL, depending on its place in the menu. If a page named Faculty is placed 

    under: Academic Affairs -> Commencement

    URL will be:

    o You can uncheck the Automatic URL generation and enter manually.

    IMPORTANT: The URL path you specify should not include Start from after the slash.

    Example: If I want to manually enter the URL for the page Faculty under

    Academic Affairs -> Commencement

  • Once you are done with edits, go to the bottom of the page. You can save it as Draft or you can Publish the page.