Uploading Documents

  • Login and Navigate (Refer Login and Navigate) to the page you want to edit and click on new draft. (Refer New Draft).

  • Documents can be uploaded by clicking on the Add media button (Highlighted button from the below screenshot) in the WYSIWYG editor. 

  • We can add link to files that are already existing in the Drupal Server or upload new files to the Server and put a link to it on the page.

NOTE:  Please remember to name your files properly. Avoid special characters and SPACE in file names. Use ‘-’ or ‘_’ instead of SPACE. Example if File name is,

Creating a New Posting Instructions for Student Supervisors.docx

Kindly consider renaming the file name to 


To make it easier to manage, (Remember there will be over 100,000 documents in the server) if you could pre-fix the department name to the file you can search the document with ease later on. 
So the above file is for Career Center, so consider naming it

CC- Creating-New-Posting-Instruction-Student-Supervisors.docx

