Women in Business


women in Business

What is Women in Business?

Women in Business is a student organization dedicated to promoting the success of women pursuing careers in business while at Indiana State University. Our mission is to provide support and guidance to our future business leaders through mentorship and experiences. Possible opportunities include; internships, job placements,growth of professional network, scholarships,leadership experiences,industry professional speakers and more!

By becoming a member, you will have the chance to take part in a one of a kind experience dedicated and designed specifically for YOU. Join today to be a part of the conversation and help shape the first Women in Business student organization at SCOB.

Who can Join?

All SCOB majors, minors and MBA students are welcome.

Interested in joining?

Please contact Madison Marshall

Applications for Leadership Team

Women in Business Leadership

The Women in Business applications for the 2023-2024 Leadership Team are live! The application needs to be filled out and sent to Madison.Marshall@indstate.edu by Friday March 3rd. The current leadership team will be going over all of the positions at the meeting on Tuesday, February 14th. The positions we have available are President, VP of Membership and Involvement, VP of Philanthropy, VP of Finance, VP of Marketing, and VP of Professional Development. If you have any questions please email Madison.

Leadership Application Forms: PDF Format | DOCX Format

Featured Speaker: Christi Hill

On Tuesday, November 15, 2022, Christi Hill, Associate Vice President, Global Customer Experience Strategy, Eli Lilly and Company shared her insights and experience with students as the Women in Business Featured Speaker. Christi discussed leadership and career development. She has more than 20 years of experience at Eli Lilly Company, where she focuses on customer experience strategy for the leading global pharmaceutical company. Christi joined Eli Lilly in 1994 and has worked in sales, marketing research, customer engagement, and became an Associate Vice President in 2022. She graduated from ISU with a bachelor’s degree in Marketing.

Christi Hill addresses the audience

Christi was able to share her work and school experiences with attendees while creating a space of relatability. Also, Christi was able to share valuable advice to better maneuver in the real world and more specifically the workplace. Thanks to the president of Women in Business, Kelly Daugherty, and advisor, Madison Marshall, for making this wonderful event possible and easily accessible to students.

Women in Business

Women in Business students Attend National Association of Women Business Owners Luncheon

Scott College of Business Mentoring Coordinator, Madison Marshall, and 6 of our Women in Business student leaders attended the National Association of Women Business Owners Luncheon on April 20, in Indianapolis.

Thanks to the generous support of Kathy Cabello, President and CEO of Cabello Associates Inc., the students were given the opportunity to attend the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) Luncheon, which was attended by a variety of women entrepreneurs and executives. She personally asked Women In Business, a new student organization from Scott College of Business, to be her guests and meet women business owners in the larger economic, social and political spheres as they were celebrating NAWBO’s 25th anniversary of supporting and advocating for women entrepreneurs. This event had a tremendous impact on the students' professional development. They had the opportunity to network with some of Indianapolis' most powerful women while enjoying a wonderful lunch and presentations as business leaders share their stories, challenges, and successful experiences.

As one of the students said, “It was such a wonderful and enriching experience to not only see those outstanding people but also to interact with them. I am both humbled and grateful for those moments and will make it my top priority to put into practice what I have learned on that day.”

Women in Business student leaders at the National Association of Women Business Owners Luncheon

Pictured at the event are Felicia Lawrence, Regina Warren, Tammy Butler, and Lotus Mallbris; as well as Women in Business executives.

<< NAWBO - Indianapolis Trailblazers 2022 Brochure >> << Photo Gallery >>

  • Leslie Loveless
    Leslie Loveless engaging our students
  • NAWBO 2022
    Students and NAWBO Executives
  • Leslie Loveless emphasizes a point
    Leslie Loveless emphasizing a point
  • Students and NAWBO Executives
    Students and NAWBO Executives
  • Women in Business: Christi Hill
    Women in Business Speaker: Christi Hill

Contact Us

Contact Us

Women in Business
Madison Marshall
Mentoring Coordinator
Scott College of Business
127 Federal Hall
30 North Seventh Street

Fax: 812.237.8720

Social Media


Connect with us

We value our business partners and take pride in the relationships we have formed with them.

Whether your interests are hiring our students, mentoring them, serving on one of our advisory boards, sponsoring or donating to our programs, providing speakers, or simply attending one of our events, we would like to hear from you.

Get Involved!