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Saabirah Muhammad

muhammad 1















Saabirah Muhammad
Active Masquerader
Digital photography
November 2019


muhammad 2



















Saabirah Muhammad
Active Masquerader 2
Digital photography
November 2019


muhammad 3
















Saabirah Muhammad
September - October 2019

My primary medium is photography.  In the two photographs, titled Active Masquerader, I draw inspiration from African culture/African masquerade.  I wanted to explore identity by covering the face of the subject while also mimicking the traditional Bwa mask of Burkina Faso, and Mali.  When the mask is performed, the masquerader wears a long grass skirt like the red cloth over the subject in the photos.  The poses activate the subject and a sense of movement.  While the magazine contains editorial works that I have been working on over my academic career, I want to showcase the entrepreneurial strength of black women.

Saabirah Muhammad will graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Studio Art with a 2D Concentration.