Student Events

Tunnel of Oppression

Tunnel of Oppression is an interactive program designed to introduce participants to the concepts of oppression, privilege, and power as well as educate and challenge them to think more deeply about related issues. Participants will encounter first-hand examples of oppression that college students face through interactive acting, hearing monologues, and viewing multimedia presentations.

Tunnel of Oppression

Tunnel of Oppression is an interactive program designed to introduce participants to the concepts of oppression, privilege, and power as well as educate and challenge them to think more deeply about related issues. Participants will encounter first-hand examples of oppression that college students face through interactive acting, hearing monologues, and viewing multimedia presentations.

Tunnel of Oppression

Tunnel of Oppression is an interactive program designed to introduce participants to the concepts of oppression, privilege, and power as well as educate and challenge them to think more deeply about related issues. Participants will encounter first-hand examples of oppression that college students face through interactive acting, hearing monologues, and viewing multimedia presentations.

Mental Health Begins with ME

We will be featuring speakers who will address the problem of mental health treatment in the US and how college students specifically are affected. Various student organizations will host booths addressing the impact of mental health on their community, or how their community is working to improve mental health.

Dear White People Movie Event

Union Board and the American Democracy Project will be co-sponsoring a showing of movie, Dear White People. The film is a satire about the life of minority students on a predominantly white college campus. After the movie, there will be a student panel to discuss some of the topics featured within the film. Food and other refreshments will be available at the event. Please join us for a fun and thought-provoking experience!

Fit for the Future

ISU's College of Technology hosts the 8th annual FIT for the Future conference in collaboration with student organizations from ISU. This fun-filled afternoon of high school and college students. Professional women in technology fields will share how they chose the paths they have followed in building their careers and how students can take advantage of opportunities in the world of technology an engineering.

Cafe Survivor Games

Games to play for fun to spread awareness of the Technology Student Leadership Council and the Tech Express Cafe. Games include: filling certain amount of coffee cups in 60 seconds, eating food off of a plate with your hands behind your back, and  taste testing granola bars while blind-folding and more!
