Student Events

Library Extravaganza 2015

Everyone is invited to attend the Library¹s biggest event: Extravaganza 2015,  Thursday, September 10, from 10 am  to 3 pm.  There¹s something for everyone! Please drop in, get your bag and swag. More importantly encourage students to come by to learn about the new resources and services that the Library has to offer. And don¹t forget, we feed everyone as well, with free pizza and soda. To be eligible for prizes, stop at the resource tables and have your Extravaganza prize card stamped. Student proof-of-attendance notes are available at the prize table (near the Events Area).

Echoes from Mengeles' Lab

Eva Kor, founder of the CANDLES Holocaust Museum and holocaust survivor will give a presentation entitled "Echoes from Mengeles' Lab".  Sponsored by the ISU Dept. of Philosophy, ISU Center for Genomic Advocacy, the ISU College of Arts and Sciences, and the ISU Cunningham Library.
