Student Events

Showing of Iron Jawed Angels

For Women’s Equality Day, form 6-8:15, and a second showing from 8:30-10:45, showing of the movie Iron Jawed Angels, which follows Alice Paul’s National Women’s Party and the final stages of the long struggle for women’s suffrage in the United States. Sponsored by: Women’s Studies, University College, and the Cunningham Memorial Library.

Study Abroad Fair

Come to DEDE I to learn more about studying abroad! Speak to students who have studied abroad, faculty members who are taking students abroad in the future, and learn more about all of the opportunities that await you.

Workshop Wednesday: Resume 101: Fundamentals of Resume Writing

Resume 101 focuses on the basics of writing a resume.  This presentation breaks down the purpose of a resume, as well as best practices for what content to include and how to format a resume to appeal to an employer.  It will also include information about how to create bullet points and organize your resume in a clear manner.  The presentation will conclude with a brief overview of cover letters.
