Big Fat Lies Women Tell Themselves

Big Fat Lies Women Tell Themselves

Event Type



University Hall (Whitaker Conference Room 110G)




(812) 237-8513


This workshop is open to ALL women of ISU. The title of this workshop is based on the book “Big Fat Lies Women Tell Themselves”.  The author has written a book that will “give you everything you need to take on those bullying Inner Mean Girls and Inner Critics — and win. You’ll learn how to rewire the self-sabotaging lies you tell yourself into affirming truths that will increase self-respect, self-love, and self-compassion, transforming your inner and outer lives”.

We will explore lies women tell themselves about:

  • their worth
  • their body and self-care
  • money
  • being authentic
  • their spirit
  • love and relationships

We know that in order for our young students to succeed they must know and be true to themselves. It is our hope that this workshop, and the ones to follow in the spring, will help them in their journey to understand themselves and remain focused on their academic goals.