Miss Ebony Scholarship Pageant 2021

Miss Ebony Scholarship Pageant 2021

Event Type



Tilson Auditorium




(812) 237-8513


Save the date! 
Miss Ebony Scholarship Pageant 2021 will be held on Nov. 13, 2021, from 5-7 p.m. in Tilson Auditorium. The location was recently changed. This event is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.

You MUST wear masks.

Doors to open

Miss Ebony is open to all women who understand that this is not a “beauty pageant” but a program that allowed women to showcase their broad range of qualities: personal interview, formal interview wear, talent, and the ability to speak with confidence, poise, and grace. Women in this pageant are intelligent, talented, and accomplished. Women in this pageant are intelligent, talented, and accomplished and are seeking ways that assist them in pursuing their life goals educationally and professionally. Miss Ebony Scholarship Pageant provides ways to assist women in pursuing their educational goals.

Please join and cheer for our Miss Ebony 2021 Contestants.
