Vagina Monologue Auditions

Vagina Monologue Auditions

Event Type



Hulman Memorial Student Union (Room 316)




(309) 219-4996


THE VAGINA MONOLOGUES is a play of monologues by Eve Ensler, who interviewed hundreds of women about their life experiences. The show has been featured on Broadway and HBO and has a mix of shocking humor and heartbreaking truth.

Auditions will be held on Nov. 16 in  Hulman Memorial Student Union 316 and Nov. 19 in Hulman Memorial Student Union 314 from 6-8 p.m. Each audition will take 15 minutes, so feel free to come whenever you have time!

The show at Indiana State University will take place at the end of February and is open to students, staff and community members. Have questions or concerns, send a message on Facebook at 'Vagina Monologues 2016 ISU.'