Walk a Mile refugee simulation

Walk a Mile refugee simulation

Event Type



Cunningham Memorial Library, lawn




(610) 533-3012


International Student Leadership Council will be hosting a Walk a Mile - Refugee Simulation on the Cunningham Memorial Library lawn on Wednesday, September 19th. Walk a Mile is a simulation that gives a glimpse into the lives of refugees being displaced around the world. It highlights the various aspects of the refugee experience, while giving people the feeling of being in their "shoes" for the duration of the simulation. There will be three simulations being offered throughout the day. Each simulation will be an hour long with a 20 minute debriefing of the simulation. If you are interested in taking part in this experience, follow the link below to sign up for one of the simulations: https://indstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5nyh6rmeL8H74CV