Alumni Mentor

Melanie J. Lisby

BS, Theater
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Melanie J. Lisby (AEA Stage Manager) is a born and bred Hoosier Girl. She mostly grew up in Terre Haute and ended up at Indiana State by perfect universal happenstance three weeks before classes started. A theater major, dance minor, she was also a member of the choir her Freshman year. She dropped her dance major in her Junior year when she realized she didn't want to take the science classes that went along with the curriculum. Graduating a semester early (December 2002), she chose to move to Florida for love and spent the first couple of years soul searching, as one does in their early twenties - working retail, doing summer stock theater, and even making an attempt at a second bachelor's degree in Education. After the first day of in-school observation at a local elementary school, Melanie realized she, in fact, already knew what she wanted to do with her life and took the first leap of faith and applied to Stage Manage a musical that was set to tour South Florida. Melanie got the job and quit working retail! Thus began the full time theater career. Once the tour announced it was coming to a close, she applied for a job at a new regional theater just starting in Naples, FL, and again - got the job! Melanie spent seven great years at Gulfshore Playhouse as the Resident Production Stage Manager, Company Manager, and General Manager. As the Universe would have it again in 2013, it was time for another leap of faith and Melanie moved to New York City. With a couple thousand dollars, a handful of contacts and a dream, she made the leap and never looked back! Melanie has worked in many fields all using her Stage Management skill set - from corporate events and galas, to staged readings and developmental labs, to Off-Broadway and Broadway productions. New York City is now officially home but a piece of her heart will always be in Indiana.