Alumni Mentor

Amanda Aller Lowe

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Pyschology (Minor in German)
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Dr. Amanda Aller Lowe, PhD, is a 1996 graduate of Indiana State University, where she majored in Psychology and minored in German. She went on to obtain a master’s degree in counseling psychology, and a doctoral degree in general psychology, and operates a private psychotherapy practice in Aurora, Illinois. Dr. Lowe combines her areas of expertise - psychology and German - in part through contract work as a mental health interpreter. Mental health interpreting requires not only fluency in a second language, but a knowledge of mental health issues and a sensitivity to their expression, as well. Additionally, due to her fluency in German, Dr. Lowe has translated important writings in psychology, which were previously unavailable in either English or German, and has presented her own work to international audiences. She enjoys being able to offer counseling in both English and German, and in fact her practice is comprised of multilingual clinicians, thus offering a range of language options for mental health care within her community.