Alumni Mentor
Computer Science

Aaron Cox

BS Computer Science, MS Computer Science
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Aaron Cox arrived at Indiana State University as a transfer student in 2014.  He holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (2015) as well as a Master of Science in Computer Science (2017).

Aaron CoxSince graduating from Indiana State University, Aaron has worked happily as a software engineer at myCOI in downtown Indianapolis.  He gets to solve new and unique problems everyday through the filter of a keyboard. With the software field is in constant flux, the learning never stops.  He credits his time at ISU for providing him with the ability and confidence to learn what is necessary to succeed, speak to groups large or small, and to be a good team member.

At ISU, he worked as a research assistant on Bioinformatics and Computer Science projects and as a teaching assistant for the Computer Science department.  He was an active member of the local ACM club, serving as Secretary and then President.  Perhaps most importantly, he spent countless hours in the CS department Unix lab writing code, drinking coffee, and participating in shenanigans whenever possible.

When not sitting in front of a computer, Aaron enjoys hiking, cooking, watching basketball, and spending time with his wife Libby and their cat Callie.