Presenter Guidelines


Abstracts: Abstracts should be submitted at the time of registration. The abstract submission form is separate from the registration form and is found on the registration page of this website. Abstracts should summarize the context, methods, results, and discussion of your project, and have a maximum of 200 words. Please include a list of all authors and affiliations in your abstract submission textbox. This list will not count against your word limit.


Oral Presentations:  Please prepare for oral presentations that are 12 minutes in length, followed by 3 minutes of audience questions. Come prepared to load your completed presentation onto an ISU computer (via flash drive or online account) at the beginning of the conference, Friday night or Saturday morning.

Poster Presentations:  Posters should be a maximum size of 3ft tall by 4ft wide. Please bring your poster to hang at check in on Saturday morning. DEDEI  (the poster session room) will be open during registration.