Armin Moczek

Dr. Armin Moczek
Indiana University – Bloomington

Armin Moczek is a professor in the department of biology at Indiana University. His research focuses on the development and evolution of novel traits in insects. Primarily, his lab works with beetles in the genus Onthophagus to study when and how ecological processes drive phenotypic evolution. To read more about Dr. Moczek’s work, please visit his lab website. Lab Website:

Butch Brodie

Dr. Edmund “Butch” Brodie
University of Virginia

Butch Brodie is the B.F.D. Runk Professor in Botany at the University of Virginia as well as the director of the Mountain Lake Biological Station. His research broadly focuses on how evolution occurs in natural populations. Some examples of his work include his studies on the predator-prey arms race between newts and garter snakes, the social behavior and networks among forked fungus beetles, and the evolution of G-matrices in Carribean Anolis lizards. To learn more about Dr. Brodie’s research, please visit his lab website.

Lab Website: