The ISU Pre-Veterinary Club is a student-run organization dedicated to offering its members new perspectives on the veterinary profession and advice to optimize chances of gaining admission to veterinary school. The society is an excellent resource for all who plan on working in the veterinary field. We will be holding bi-weekly meetings beginning with a short discussion about the general business of the club. Afterwards, we will have an informational session, guest speaker, or activity to help students gain insight into the veterinary profession. For more information, contact the ISU Pre-Vet Club at

Join Us:

Would you like to become a member of the Indiana State University Pre-Vet Club?  It is a great organization to list on any resume or veterinary school application and it is a good resource for students interested in pursuing a career in veterinary medicine. Our aim is to provide a network of pooled resources so that pre-veterinary students or students interested in a profession working closely with animals can gain experience, learn about the dynamic aspects of veterinary medicine, and share advice about application processes.

Anybody who is interested is welcome to join, regardless of your major.  We welcome a broad spectrum of majors in our club! However, as this is an academic club, we do have a minimum 2.5 major GPA requirement. To become a member all you have to do is request to be added to the mailing list.

Members will be required to pay $10 dues for each academic year. Amount for membership dues is determined based on organization status. As the club grows and eventually applies for national status the membership fee may increase to keep up with added costs.

Pre-Veterinary Clinic