Student Events

AAUW Information Session highlights Public Policy and Legal

Since AAUW¹s founding members have spoken out about policies important to women and girls. Legislation including the Family and Medical Leave Act, the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, and the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act would have never been passed without their voices. Current public policy focuses on equal rights, public education, various social, economic, environmental and health issues. AAUW's Legal Advocacy Fund (LAF) works to challenge sex discrimination in higher education and the workplace.

Strategies for Interview Success

Very few people enjoy interviewing, but preparation and practice can help students stand out from the crowd and set themselves apart from the competition. This presentation covers how to prepare for an interview, different interview formats, proper dress, strategies to thoroughly answer questions, and what to do after completing an interview.

Strategies for Interview Success

Very few people enjoy interviewing, but preparation and practice can help students stand out from the crowd and set themselves apart from the competition. This presentation covers how to prepare for an interview, different interview formats, proper dress, strategies to thoroughly answer questions, and what to do after completing an interview. 

Sycamore Safe Zone Level 1 workshop

Sycamore Safe Zone (SSZ) is an ally development program created through the Office of Diversity to establish a campus that is safe and affirming for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) students, faculty and staff. The Sycamore Safe Zone program aims to create a visible network of support for LGBTQ individuals and their allies by providing an avenue through which any member of the Indiana State Community can show their support. The program also creates an educational experience through the Safe Zone Workshop.

The Color Purple: A New Musical

This musical about love follows Celie, a woman who through love, finds the strength to triumph over adversity and discover her unique voice in the world. Set to a joyous score featuring jazz, ragtime, gospel, and blues. The Color Purple: A New Musical is a story of hope, a testament to the healing power of love, and a celebration of life.

The Color Purple: A New Musical

This musical about love follows Celie, a woman who through love, finds the strength to triumph over adversity and discover her unique voice in the world. Set to a joyous score featuring jazz, ragtime, gospel, and blues. The Color Purple: A New Musical is a story of hope, a testament to the healing power of love, and a celebration of life.

The Color Purple: A New Musical

This musical about love follows Celie, a woman who through love, finds the strength to triumph over adversity and discover her unique voice in the world. Set to a joyous score featuring jazz, ragtime, gospel, and blues. The Color Purple: A New Musical is a story of hope, a testament to the healing power of love, and a celebration of life.
