Student Events

AAUW Information Session

What do STEM, Title IX, sexual assault, diversity, and wage negotiation have in common? They are all issues in which AAUW (American Association of University Women) members are involved, and for which AAUW provides resources, from programming and issues briefs to education and advocacy. Find out more about the variety of resources available related to these and other areas of advocacy at the AAUW Information Session with Marsha Miller, ISU's representative to AAUW. As always, membership is free to ISU undergraduates.

Additional programs: at 3 p.m. in Library 028

Haute Fashion: The Kaleidoscope

The Textiles, Apparel, and Merchandising Program at Indiana State University presents:  Haute Fashion:  The Kaleidoscope  Dinner & Fashion Show. Dinner @ 6:00pm Fashion Show @ 7:30  The fashion show is produced by the students in the TAM program. The funds raised help to raise money for the Academic Scholarship Fund.

Indian Global Night

Presented by the Indian Student Association.

To purchase tickets, visit the following locations:

  • Monday, October 27: HMSU Commons 10 am - 4:30 pm; Library 3 -6 pm
  • Tuesday, October 28: HMSU Commons 10 am - 4:30 pm
  • Wednesday, October 29: Library 9 am - 5 pm; Dede Plaza 10 am - 4:30 pm
  • Thursday, October 30: Dede Plaza 10 am - 4:30 pm
  • Friday, October 31: Dede Plaza 10 am - 4:30 pm

Tickets are $10 for ISU Students, $15 for others

Library Fundraiser for CASA

The Library’s Fall fundraiser will be a lunch event at 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. on Thursday, October 30, in the Library Events Area.  For $5 (cash or checks made payable to CASA), you’ll get a bowl of chili (regular or vegetarian), peanut butter sandwich (jam will be available), a dessert item, and tea or lemonade.

Workshop Wednesday: Advanced Resume and Cover Letter Writing

In order to have a truly excellent resume, it must go through editing and revision stages! This presentation discusses how to customize your resume and cover letters for specific jobs and internships to help your documents standout in the stack of applications, as well as how to expand resume content to show the impact made in previous positions.  It is recommended that students bring a copy of their current resume (either hard copy or laptop) to get the most out of this hands on workshop.

Workshop Wednesday: Advanced Resume and Cover Letter Writing

In order to have a truly excellent resume, it must go through editing and revision stages! This presentation discusses how to customize your resume and cover letters for specific jobs and internships to help your documents standout in the stack of applications, as well as how to expand resume content to show the impact made in previous positions.  It is recommended that students bring a copy of their current resume (either hard copy or laptop) to get the most out of this hands on workshop.

Workshop Wednesday: Conducting a Successful Job Search

Getting a full time job is a job in itself, as the job search for recent graduates is still very competitive.  This job search presentation covers the steps for conducting a successful job search, including when to start and how to create a timeline, and the variety of online job boards and resources available to students.  Analyzing job descriptions, evaluating employers, networking, and salary research is also covered briefly.
