Student Events

Workshop Wednesday: Conducting a Successful Job Search

Getting a full time job is a job in itself, as the job search for recent graduates is still very competitive. This job search presentation covers the steps for conducting a successful job search, including when to start and how to create a timeline, and the variety of online job boards and resources available to students. Analyzing job descriptions, evaluating employers, networking, and salary research is also covered briefly.

AAUW: Voter Education and Activism

Continuing the AAUW Information Series will highlight AAUW¹s advocacy and leadership activities centered around Voter Education, and issues for which AAUW lobbies in Washington via the National Office and the local member Lobby Corps. Resources include the Two-Minute Activist website,  its publication, the Congressional Voting Record for the 113th Congress.

AAUW: Voter Education and Activism

Continuing the AAUW Information Series will highlight AAUW¹s advocacy and leadership activities centered around Voter Education, and issues for which AAUW lobbies in Washington via the National Office and the local member Lobby Corps. Resources include the Two-Minute Activist website,  its publication, the Congressional Voting Record for the 113th Congress.


Two shows!  6 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.
We are excited to have HYPNOPALOOZA come to campus!  Considered one of the best variety acts in the United States, they have astounded audiences from coast to coast.  No charge for admission.
