Student Events

Welcome Cookout

Start the school year off right!  Join us for the Welcome Cookout at the BCM House - it's across the tracks, one block north of Lincoln Quad.  Then stay for our first gathering of the year, meeting new friends, worshiping with the band, and hearing from the Word.

Graduate Student Open House

Cunningham Memorial Library is hosting a Graduate Student Open House in the Library Events area on August 19th from 2:30 to 4 pm.

Please encourage your graduate students to stop by and meet the librarian for their discipline. Students will have an opportunity to learn about the research tools available to them, including Interlibrary Loan, graduate carrels, scheduling research appointments with a librarian, setting alerts in databases, library workshops, document delivery service, recalling items, placing books on hold, and much more.

Refreshments will be served. 
