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Gifts to the School

ISU School of Music

Endowments are a special kind of gift. They celebrate the lives of generous individuals, donors' families or friends, organizations, foundations, and other groups. Endowments forever link the donors' names to the life and mission of the School of Music. For more information about Endowments for the School of Music, please the School of Music at (812) 237-2771 or

Endowed Scholarships
Dr. Linda K. Damer Music Education Fund
Virginia Carpenter Bradbury Music Scholarship
Arthur D. Hill Scholarship
School of Music Wind Division Scholarship
George M. Graesch Wind Performance Scholarships
Julia E. Hall Vocal Music Scholarship
Gertrude F. Meyer Music Scholarship
Pearman-Sharp Scholarship
Kirk Memorial Scholarship
Minerva Pepinski Award
Jazz Ensemble Scholarship
Arthur D. Hill Scholarship
J.A. Gremelspacher University Bands Music Education Award
Lowell Mason Tilson Music Education Award
Barbara Booe Bushong Flute-Piccolo Award
Silvio Hein Memorial Scholarship
Anna Hulman Memorial Scholarship
Earle Melendy String Scholarship
Percussion House Scholarship
Special String Scholarship
Mary Fuller Day Award
Stanley Petrulis Scholarship
Eleanor Reid Justice Piano Scholarship
NAMM Scholarship in Music Business
Mark S. Hannig Scholarship in Music
Lowell Mason Tilson Music Education Award
Robert Sprenkle Oboe Scholarship
Geraldine Miller Wind/Percussion Scholarship
Henry E. Meurer Music Education Scholarship
David G. Graesch Memorial Scholarship
Service awards (ISU Band Grants)

Program Support Endowments
Philip H. Erbes Memorial Fund
J.A. Gremelspacher Music Education Award
Ethel Closson Smith Vocal Artist / Teacher Lectureship
Stella V. Tatlock Fund for Piano Pedagogy
Robert & Corinne Cowden Faculty Development Fund
James W. Barnes Lectureship in Music

Other One-Time or Cumulative Gifts of $10,000 or More
Margaret "Peg" Boyce
DeeAnn and John Boyd
Columbia House
Elizabeth Ludwig Fennell
Frederick Fennell
Indiana Arts Commission
National Endowment for the Arts
The Presser Foundation
Sony Disc Manufacturing
United Airlines
Yamaha Corporation of America

Planned Gifts
Many people include one or more charitable organizations as beneficiaries of their wills. Most charitable bequests are outright and absolute. But you can make a deferred bequest to a charity--directing that the bequest be used to pay income to family members for life--and pass to charity only after the income benefits terminate.
If the donor wishes it, a charitable bequest can be restricted to a particular fund or ongoing need in the School of Music. We will be pleased to assist in planning a bequest to benefit the School of Music that will be practical, personally satisfying, and economically sound. For more information visit the Division of University Advancement.

Annual Giving
ISU Friends of Music (Annual gift of $25 and more)

Friends of Music gifts support programs and activities that allow students and faculty to excel. These unrestricted funds are generally in the amount of $25 to $2,500 and provide flexibility that allows the School to pursue its curr ent priorities or take advantage of unforeseen opportunities. Members of this giving group receive newsletters and special reports detailing the usage of funds. Other benefits may include invitations to events, subscriptions, executive briefings, ticketing assistance, and more, depending upon giving level. For more information please contact the School of Music at (812) 237-2771 or