Communication Disorders Strategic Plan

                                                  2021-2024 Strategic Plan

Focus Area: Student Engagement

  • Initiate and upper classmen or graduate mentorship program for undergraduates in major
  • Develop guidelines for faculty mentors and student mentors
  • Revise Bootcamp for incoming graduate cohort: assigning multiple faculty to teach topics or run activity within it.
  • Promote undergraduate student involvement in faculty and clinical research through independent studies or funding

Focus Area: Recruitment and Retention of Students

  • Develop an informative flyer to send to high schools to promote the Communication Sciences and Disorders major at ISU.
  • Connect with the university’s Project Success
  • Use CD 119 as a recruitment course: Have faculty/adjuncts to present a day or two in area of interest/specialty; engage community
  • practitioners in course
  • Invite HS senior/juniors to campus or virtual meeting through HS counselors
  • Develop undergraduate section of website
  • Consider developing on-line pre-requisite/leveling courses; SLP-Assistant program

Focus Area: Faculty Recruitment and Development

  • Recruit tenure-track and/or instructor faculty to fill retirement opening
  • Stabilize instructor lines
  • Ensuring money for CEUs from the department for all levels of faculty

Focus Area: Diversity and Inclusiveness

  • Develop contacts with high schools having underrepresented minority groups
  • Develop study abroad or other global experiences

Focus Area: Accountability/Challenging students to achieve excellence

  • Stress expected level of professionalism to students, level of commitment for class and clinic.
  • Institute summative and formative assessments in each class at both the undergraduate and graduate levels
  • Develop pre-tests of knowledge covered in previous courses to stop re-teaching concepts

Focus Area: Expanding opportunities

  • Increasing literacy/reading as a service that we provide in the clinic.
  • Initiate Adult aphasia support groups
  • Increase interprofessional practice opportunities with school psychology and special education
  • Investigate training or other forms of grants to support students and faculty scholarship
  • Explore converting CD 119 into a Foundational studies course