Student Events

Workshop Wednesday: Conducting a Successful Job/Internship

Getting a full time job/internship is a job in itself, as the job/internship search for recent graduates is still very competitive. This job/internship search presentation covers the steps for conducting a successful job search, including when to start and how to create a timeline, and the variety of online job/internship boards and resources available to students. Analyzing job descriptions, evaluating employers, networking, and salary research is also covered briefly.

'Speak Out and Stand Up" Movie Screening

Hosted by “Twilight” actress Kristen Stewart, this docudrama is a useful tool to raise dialogue on campus about sexual assault as a community issue. SOSU includes diverse student voices and experts in the field of sexual assault. Dramatized scenes highlight the impact of sexual assault on a victim as well as the important role of friends and bystanders. This movie will challenge students to be active bystanders and work together to prevent sexual violence. Popcorn and drinks will be provided.

Know Your IX: Title IX Panel and Discussion

Put your Title IX knowledge to the test! This interactive event will feature a panel of university staff members who deal directly with Title IX sexual assault cases on campus. The panel members will share their part in the reporting process and answer questions throughout the event. This event is sponsored by the Dean of Students Office and the Cunningham Memorial Library, and there will be cookies and punch provided.


There are many misconceptions related to body-image promoted by the media. These misconceptions include ideals of beauty, gender, and weight. Student Health Promotion would like to, not only, address these common misconception but also debunk these myths. The purpose of this program is to promote confidence, self-worth, and ultimately, love of one's body.

African American Student Leadership Conference 2015

The African American Student Leadership Conference is an annual event planned and executed by student leaders in partnership with C.E.B. AACC, Black student organizations and campus partners. The main objective is to provide a culturally relevant leadership and professional development opportunity for students. The conference features an innovative national keynote speaker and practical workshop sessions presented by Indiana State University staff, faculty, alumni and graduate students.

Leap into Health Expo

Applied Health Science Committee will be hosting a "Leap into Health" expo that promotes healthy lifestyles for the community students, faculty and staff. AHSC will be collaborating with other vendors at the upcoming health expo. Health screenings will also be provided as well as a free raffle. Stop by Dede I to learn how you can leap into health the right way!

It's On Us

Today Indiana State University will launch an Indiana State “It’s On Us” video featuring Indiana State students, faculty, and staff.  Indiana State is committed to providing an educational environment free from gender-based violence and misconduct.  As faculty and staff of the ISU we ask you to share this video with the departments and colleagues and encourage t
