Student Events

Sycamore Appreciation Day

The Special Events Committee in Union Board will be collaborating with PAW, the Forest, and Athletics. We will be holding an event dedicated to the Women Athletes of ISU. We will have mini games, glocade, crafts, food, and free giveaways. It is free to all ISU students.

Kick Off

Come and enjoy an amazing event to celebrate the start of Spring Week. There will be a lot of fun games and prizes to be won. So don't you think about missing out!!

World Food Festival

Students and community members from around the globe will be bringing food from their home culture, whether it's food from the Midwest or South Korea!
Come try some amazing new food, learn phrases in other languages, play some board games, and meet new people at the United Campus Ministries Center (the building with the orange sign next to University Hall). Everybody is invited to come! If you would like to bring food, email Jennie at

Women Rock Conference

The mission of the Women Rock conference is to educate, inspire and empower women students.  The event will be a day-long conference at Indiana State University providing a professional networking and learning environment for college women in the Wabash Valley.  Women Rock is free to students. The conference will include keynote speakers and breakout sessions featuring local women covering topics such as communication, healthy relationships, stress relief, financial literacy, civility, sexual violence, body image, self-confidence and balance.
