The following is a list of cybersecurity job, internships and scholarship web sites as well as recent opportunities that students can review and apply for. Check back regularly for more jobs, internships, and scholarship ooportuniteis as new ones are added regularly.

Cybersecurity Jobs

USAJobs - the source for any federal employment opportunities.

NICCS - National Initiative for Cyber Security Careers and Studies

NCYTE Cyber Industry Job Board

Indeed - Indeed is the #1 job site in the world1 with over 250 million unique visitors2 every month. Indeed strives to put job seekers first, giving them free access to search for jobs, post resumes, and research companies.

Northrop Grumman Cybersecurity Jobs by Discipline

DHS Cybersecurity Programs including jobs and internships

Simply Hired Cybersecurity Jobs and Internships

Cybercareers featured federal cybersecurity job openings

Cybersecurity Internships

USAJobs Pathways The Pathways Program offers federal internship and employment opportunities for current students, recent graduates and those with an advanced degree.

IT Internships at Indianapolis Airport - Summer 2021 IT Internships with a requirement of 1 year of college.

Fireeye - The internship program at Fireeye and interns are paid with benefits and good news, they are remote. Check it out.


SMART Program provides STEM students with the tools needed to pursue higher education and begin a career with the DoD. With a full scholarship, students pursuing science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) degrees will be able to focus on complex research to further the DoD’s mission and create lasting impact. SMART is a one-for-one commitment; for every year of degree funding, the scholar commits to working for a year with the DoD as a civilian employee.  Summer internships prepare scholars for full-time employment and get them accustomed to working with the DoD.

Scholarships for Women Studying Information Security