Yearbooks: 1950s


Commerce Club

Commerce Club – an association of students majoring in commerce, originated the annual Commerce Clinic on this campus.
The club meets monthly and enjoys several parties and picnics throughout the year. Officers for this year were John Pruitt, president; Thelma Nasser, secretary; and Betty Ghere, treasurer.

Commerce Club 1950

1950 Commerce Club (1950 Sycamore, page 142)


Commerce Faculty 1950

Seated: Mr. Eberhardt, Assistant Professor of Commerce, 1936. Dr. Muse, chairman, Department of Commerce and Associate Professor of Commerce, 1947. Miss Temple, Assistant Professor of Commerce, 1935. Miss Wood, Associate Professor of Commerce, 1928.
Standing: Miss Krause, Assistant Professor of Commerce, 1947. Mr. Breidenbaugh, Associate Professor of Commerce, 1939. Mr. Hunter, Assistant Professor of Commerce, 1940. Mr. Truelove, Assistant Professor of Commerce, 1937. Mr. Becker, Graduate Assistant in commerce, 1949. Mr. Mcgill, Graduate Assistant in commerce, 1949. Mr. Freeman, Graduate Assistant in commerce, 1949. (1950 Sycamore, page 154)

Around Campus: Vilmer L. Tatlock, Audio-visual Bureau

Vilmer L. Tatlock, director of the Extension and Audio-visual Bureau

Vilmer L. Tatlock, director of the Extension and Audio-visual Bureau 1950 Sycamore, page 78

Vilmer L. Tatlock, director of the Extension and Audio-visual Bureau, is the man who provides all those movies, film strips, and other useful materials for classroom use. To the majority of the students Mr. Tatlock is a “Behind the Scenes” man, but when it comes time to do practice teaching, what a help he is! The students off-campus also find him a valuable asset.

Around Campus: Old Main

Old Main was built in 1888, where the Quad is now. It was the original home of the Commerce Department when it was formed in 1918.but was moved to the Fine Arts and Commerce Building in 1940. Old Main was demolished in 1951.

Old Main, 1950

Old Main during demolition 1950 (1950 Sycamore, page 8)

Around Campus: Record Lounge

Between classes a cup of coffee and a quick cigarette are the between-class activities for many students. The Record Lounge, however claims the spare moments of music lovers.

Record Lounge, 1950

Barbara Lowell, Joe Hickey, Sue Strate, Danny Williams and Conny Dunn relax in the Record Lounge (1950 Sycamore, page 17)


Commerce Club

Commerce Club. The Commerce Club is an association for commerce majors, organized for the advancement, protection, and benefit of its members. The club is a service organization which assists in making the Business Education Clinic a success. The meetings are monthly and always feature a speaker who discusses some phase of business practice. The club has an annual Christmas party complete with Santa Claus. The members of Commerce Club and Pi Omega Pi [the Honor Society for Business Education students] co-sponsor a spring picnic and outing for the groups.

Commerce Club 1951

First row, l to r.: Miss Wood, Annabelle Earles, Ruth Ann Ahlemeyer, Harryette Hass, Mary Anne Snyder, Marg Godfrey, Mary Morrisey, Sec.; Sam DiGiovanni, Pres.; Roberta Fox, vice-pres.; June Medsker, Treas.; Constance Hughs, Aretha Ley, Gene Barr, Mary Kay Fischer.
Second row, l to r.: Roy hunter, Jack McCormick, Eddie Bartlett, Emmanuel Fusco, Hubert Wilbur, Donald E. Swanson, Bill Schatz, Maurice Risch, James E. Dailey, Lois Yager Hike, Mary Jo Kirk, Martha Brown, Mary Johnson, Roleen Pickard, Wynnie Ford, Dr. Paul F. Muse.
Third row, l to r.: John W. Scott, James Fritz, Don Jones, George Baker, Robert Dugan, Tak Moriwaki, Darold Rude, Robert Beatty, Robert D. Frazer, Richard L. Skinner, Thomas C. Overton, Max E. Miller, Don E. Lafferre, Rex Dazey, John F. Sweet. (1951 Sycamore, page 91)


The Commerce Department is situated on the second floor of the Fine Arts Building and has as its chairman, Dr. muse. Through the commerce program, students may either obtain teaching certificates in Business Education, or may study the non-teaching curricula that qualify graduates for positions in the business world. Pi Omega Pi is the national business honorary fraternity for teachers.

Commerce Faculty 1951

Seated : Miss Janco, Miss Temple, Dr. Muse, Miss wood, Miss Krause
Standing: Mr. Breidenbaugh, Mr. Boyd, Mr. Truelove, Mr. Hunter, Mr. Sweet, Mr. Eberhardt (University Archives & 1951 Sycamore, page 36)

Pi Omega Pi  (Chi Chapter)

Pi Omega Pi national honorary business education fraternity, at the Honor Day convocation, names the outstanding graduating senior in the field of commerce. In the spring, members assist the faculty in staging Indiana State’s annual Commerce clinic.
Officers for the year are: president, Takeshi Moriwaki; vice-president, Herbert Carr; secretary-treasurer, Mary Jo Kirk; Sponsor Mr. Roy O. Hunter

Pi Omega Pi, Chi Chapter, 1951

Pi Omega Pi, Chi Chapter (1951 Sycamore, page 77)
Row 1, l to r. Edna Ruth Abel; Herbert R. Carr; John L. Dale; Sam DiGiovanni; Annabelle Earles; Verna Lee Freson;
Row 2, l to r. Ruth Graddy; George Graves;  Phyllis Hess; Ralph Kessans; Mary Jo Kirk; James E. Lane
Row 3, l to r. Takeshi Moriwaki; Mary Morrisey; Ester Phillips; George Waugh Jr.

Student: Pat Hassett

Pat Hassett, 1951

Pat Hassett is shown brushing up on his typing for a test. Typewriting is only one of the many courses offered by the commerce department. (1951 Sycamore, page 36)


Notes: Programs in Business Administration the curriculum.

Commerce Department

In 1940 the Commerce Department moved from Old Main into the Fine Arts and Commerce Building. 

Fine Arts and Commerce Building, 1952

The Fine Arts and Commerce Building (1952 Sycamore, page 12)

Commerce Club

Commerce Club 1952

Row 1: Wynnie Ford, Roleen Pickard, Wilma Thompson, Constance Hughes, Verla Flick, Ruth Fuller, Roberta Fox, Martha Brown, June Medsker, Glee Scott, Patricia Long, Gene Barr.
Row 2: Jack McCormick, Frederick Thomas, John Scott, Thomas Norris, Charles Goodale, Gene Burns, Robert Beatty, Hubert Wilbur, Jim Bruno, Dr. Paul Muse, Miss Ruthetta Krause, Miss Helen Wood, Max Miller, Takeshi Mariwaki. (1952 Sycamore, page 119)

Pi Omega Pi  (Chi Chapter)

Pi Omega Pi, national business education honorary, names the outstanding senior in commerce, and assists the faculty in staging he annual Commerce Clinic.
Officers for the year were George Waugh, president; Semy DiGiovanni, vice-president; Mary Jo Kirk, secretary-treasurer; and Mr. Roy O. hunter, sponsor.

Pi Omega Pi, Chi Chapter, 1952

Pi Omega Pi, Chi Chapter (1952 Sycamore, page 110)
Row 1: Nina K. Baker, Dorothy Mae Brown, David G. Davis, Semy DiGiovanni, Roberta Fox, and Verna L. Freson.
Row 2: Warren H. Gardiner, Mike Hanna, Phyllis H. Hess, Donald R. Jones, Jack McCormick, and Henry Mattox.
Row 3: LeRoy Nelson, Richard C. Sausaman, William Schatz, Elizabeth Ann Skelton, Anita Spear, and George Waugh.


Commerce Faculty 1952

Grouped about an office machine are members of the Commerce Department faculty.
Seated, left to right – Miss Ruth Temple, Mr. Roy O. Hunter , and Miss Doris Berry, graduate assistant.
Second row, left tot right – Mr. Takeshi Moriwaki, graduate assistant, Dr. Paul F. Muse, chairman, Miss Ruthetta Krause, Mr. Herman Truelove, Miss Helen Wood, Dr. George Eberhart, and Mr. Vachel E. Breidenbaugh. (1952 Sycamore, page 93)

Students: Norma Fread and Don Brines

Norma Fread and Don Brines, 1952

Norma Fread and Don Brines match speeds in typing drill. (1952 Sycamore, page 12)


Commerce practice, January 20, 1953

Students helping students learn to operate mechanical calculators. Commerce practice in 1953 (1953 Sycamore, page 26 & University Archive)

Commerce practice 1953

Commerce practice 1953, Dr. Muse's students practice using typewriters, calculators, and dictaphones. (University archives)

Commerce Club

The Commerce Club enlarged its membership through several membership drives throughout the year.
Miss Ruthetta Krause served as faculty sponsor with the following officers directing the group: Sharlene Burns, president; Robert Owens, vice-president; Jane Horner, secretary; Don Jones, treasurer; Jeanine Pock, reporter; and Bob James, membership chairman.

Commerce Club, January 28, 1953

Seated: Miss Woods, Ann Capra, Jean Hayden, Pat Howard, Ann Englum, Betty Beatty, Done Jones, Jeanine Pock, Sharlene Burns, Bob Owens, Miss Krause.
Second Row: Mr. Huner, Dr. Eberhart, Delores Ellis, Marian Rieger, Wilma Thompson, Janet Johnson, Pat Long, Richard Dugdale, Beill Weis, unidentified, Virginia Blessing, Levona Kiger, Nancy Stricklett, Juanita Durr, Dr. Muse,
Third row: Bruce Foxworthy, Kenneth Drexler, unidentified, John Hammersley, John Kimmerle, Bob Strasburger, Bill Taylor, Tom Smith, Alfred Stillwell, Bob James, John Turnbloom, Dick Sausaman, Charles Goodale, Frank Woelfle, Dick Sargent. (1953 Sycamore, page 59 & University Archive)

Pi Omega Pi  (Chi Chapter)

Pi Omega Pi, Chi Chapter, November 3, 1953

Pi Omega Pi, Chi Chapter, November 3, 1953. Members of the Pi Omega Pi honorary business fraternity (University Archive)
Seated, from left to right: Pat Long, Wilma Thompson, Jeanin Pock, Alma Allyn, and Joyce Collins. Standing, from left to right: Imogene Pruett, Deloris Ellis, Juanita Durr, Charles Goodale, Roy O. Hunter, and Vachel Breidenbaugh.


The members of the Commerce Department became interested in many outside activities this year. Dr. Muse, chairman, completed his term of office as adviser to Student Council and all the faculty in the department contributed to develop a more active Commerce Club. The Club expanded its membership and organized to sponsor speakers from the business world for the campus. Pi Omega Pi is the honorary for students and is sponsored by the faculty members of the department.

Commerce Faculty 1953

Shown with a business machine demonstration are Roy O. Hunter, Miss Ruthetta Krause, Herman Truelove, Miss Myra Janco, Dr. Paul F. Muse, chairman, Dr. George Eberhart and Miss Helen Wood. (1953 Sycamore, page 26)

Student: Beverly "Bev" Lebo

Bev was busy during her time at Indiana State. She was a member of Chi Omega sorority, the Commerce Club, International Relations Club, Modern Language Club and Pi Omega Pi, the business education honor society.

Students in the laundry, May 9, 1953

Jackie Hamer, Bev Lebo and Barbara Bartok clean loads of laundry. May 9, 1953 (University Archive)

Students arriving back at college, August 1953

Eiko Nishimura, Carolyn Huntington, and Beverly Lebo carry luggage under the entry arch leading to the Womens Residence Hall. The Student Union Building, now Tirey Hall, is visible. August 1953 (University Archive)


Commerce practice, October 28, 1953

Joyce Workman, Mickey Rieger, Jeanine Pock, Marilyn Stoops amd Jane Eck use business machines while  June Miller and Mary Anne Lukens file practice sets in a commerce night class. (1954 Sycamore, page 47 & University Archives)

Commerce Club

Commerce Club, October 15, 1953

"The Commerce Club clatters to tunes"

Clockwise: Jane Clark, Mary Lou Spear, Sandra George, Emma Lou Sutton, Jeannine Pock,  Ruth Roseberry, Jane Horner, Carole Saunders, Janina Whitamore, Lousie Clarke, Carol Seebren, Sondra Seneff, Carol Jean Armstrong, Wanita Durr, Wilma Thompson, Janet Johnson (president), Pat Long, Wynnie ford, Carol Knowles, Marjorie Petry, Eleanor Hinds, Dottie Ueda, Bob James, Anne Copra, Lee Kiger, Charlotte Carnahan, Nancy Stricklett, Deloris Ellis, Pat Howard, Rex Crowder Jr., Jean Hayden, Nancy Loser, Mary Jo Armstrong, Patsy Cottom, Jeannie Hasse, Beverly Lebo, David Ferris, John Mason, Ralph Highsmith, and Ed Story enjoy a bunny hop while faculty advisors Paul Muse, Vachel Breidenbaugh, Helen Wood, George Eberhart, Ruthetta Krause stand aside to observe. (1954 sycamore, page 46 & University Archives)

Pi Omega Pi  (Chi Chapter)

Pi Omega Pi, Chi Chapter, April 10, 1954

Pi Omega Pi Dinner in the Student Union Building cafeteria during the Business Education Clinic Meeting on April 10, 1954.
The annual Business Education Clinic was first started in 1940. (University Archive)


Commerce Faculty, November 3, 1953

Front row: Dr. Paul Muse (chairman), Ruthetta Krause, Dr. George Eberhart, Susie Temple
Second row: Herman Truelove, Dr. Vachel Breidenbaugh, Helen Wood, Roy O. Hunter (1954 sycamore, page 46 & University Archives)


Commerce Department

Preparing students for the business world is the job of the commerce department. 

The Commerce Department has so increased that it now has the largest student enrollment of all departments.
The department and building has also received equipment and facilities in the forms of an elevator, a better lighting system for the classrooms and a bulletin board for posting information of concern to the students and faculty.
Every month the “Commerce Quill” is published by the department. Students are given credit in the secretarial class for the publication of this paper.
The faculty members have contributed much time to outside work in the business field. Dr. Paul Muse and Miss Ruthetta Krause have written articles which have appeared in business publications; Vachel Breidenbaugh is acting as consultant in the revision of a shorthand textbook; and Dr. George Eberhart is serving on the state tax commission.
One of the extra-curricular activities of the department is the Commerce Club. The club’s purposes are to provide a program that will stimulate educational and professional growth and to enable the students of the department to become better acquainted with each other.
The national honorary fraternity of the department is Pi Omega Pi. To be eligible for membership in this organization, a scholastic index of not less than seventy-five and hours of credit in commerce and education is required of a student.

Commerce practice, November 9, 1954

Practical experience is being obtained by Deloris Ellis, Janina Whitamore and Jackie Hamer, students of the office machines class. (1955 Sycamore, page 21 & University Archive)

Commerce Club

commerce Club, November 1964

Enjoying themselves at a party are members and faculty sponsors of the Commerce Club.  Front row: Eujgen Cox, David Ferris, Clifford Birchfield, Claude Hudson, Baxter Paige, Danny Meyers, Ralph Davis, Bill Neihart, treasurer.
Second row: Martha Beall, Wilma Thompson, Jane Clerk. Carole Saunders, Marjorie Petry, Phyllis Baker, Sandra Stevenson, Marcia Watson, Jackie Hamer, Carol Knowles, Dixie Pike, Mary Lou Spear, Janie Horner, Lila Dunk, Lorna Harpold.
Third row: Miss Helen Wood, Miss Ruthetta Krause, Janina Whitamore, Beverly Lebo, secretary; Deloris Ellis, Carole Gibbs, Annabelle Albright, Simia Holl, Hanna Eller, Janet Butler, Nancy Stricklett, Eleanor Hinds, Jan Minnick, Louise Van Buskirk, Barbara Laymon, Mary Jo Atchley, Sherry Bonham, Ruth Roseberry, Dixie Vale, Carol Seebren, Sylvia Yap, Dorothy Ueda, Lee Kiger, president; Louise Clarke, Wanita Durr, Virginia Barrow
Fourth row: Dr. George Eberhart, Mr. V. E. Breidenbaugh, Albert F. Vogel, Edward Sweeney, John C. Walker, Rex Hybarger, Loren Domica, Dale McKee, Joe Rogers, Nick Sweigart, Melvin Gastineau, Ed Scott, Bill White, Jerry Bohannon, Gary Lumpe, Carroll Rumble, Robert Miller, Michael Kalber, Robert Wilkinson, Dr. Paul Muse.
Fifth row: Tom Roehm, Roy Hunter, Larry Elam, Sherman Gastineau (1955 Sycamore, page 20 & University Archive)

Pi Omega Pi  (Chi Chapter)

Pi Omega Pi, Chi Chapter, November 1954

Beaming proudly are members, new initiates and sponsors of Pi Omega Pi, national business honorary. (1955 Sycamore, page 21 & University Archive)
Front row: Miss Ruthetta Krause, Virginia Barrow, Jane Horner, Wilma Thompson, Annabelle Albright.
Second row: Miss Helen Wood, Nancy Stricklett, Beverly Lebo, Carole Saunders, Dr. Paul Muse.
Third row: Mr. Vachel Breidenbaugh, Wantia Durr, Deloris Ellis, Janina Whitamore, Mr. Roy Hunter, Dr. George Eberhart.


Commerce faculty, October 19, 1954

Members of the department seated are Dr. Paul Muse, chairman; Miss Helen Wood, Miss Ruthetta Krause, Miss Ruth Temple. Standing are Roy Hunter, Edward Bocko, Herman Truelove, Vachel Breidenbaugh, Dr. George Eberhart (1955 Sycamore, pages 20 - 21 & University Archives)

Student: Beverly "Bev" Lebo 

Women's Residence Hall, 1955

Bev Lebo and Eli Yamato chatting in front of the Women’s Residence Hall. (1955 Sycamore, page 10)
Beverly Lebo was a member of Pi Omega Pi the same year.


Notes: The Accounting Club was formed​. The club was open to any student majoring in accounting and business administration who had completed one year of tweleve quarter hours in accounting and was an associate memeber of the American Accounting Association. The object of the club was to stimulate and promote further interest in the field of accounting. Technical sessions were held each month and social meetings once a quarter.

Commerce practice 1956

The music department at Indiana State is located on the third floor of the Fine Arts Building, but the rhythm section is situated on the second floor where the pulsating pack of Royals denotes a typewriting class – one of the diversified courses offered in the Commerce Department, In the front row ASDFing it Sondra Seneff and Emma Lou Sutton. Second row typists include left to right Milton Faris and Harold Thomas. Standing are Ruby Humphrey and Marlene Newton, while James Griswold receives technic instruction from Margaret Harkness. (1956 Sycamore, page 71 & University Archives)

Commerce Club

The commerce club sponsored by Vachel Briedenbaugh, was organized to provide a program that would stimulate educational and professional growth, and enable commerce students to become better acquainted with other students and professors in the field.

Commerce Club 1956

Appearing to be in the bowels of a flying saucer, an effect created by a modernistic ceiling, are members of the Commerce Club, the largest club organization on campus. First row left to right are Sherry Bonham, Marilyn Osborne, Sue Mahan, Marcia Kelley, Annet Fischer, Ruth Roseberry, Phyllis Bates, Dixie Vale, Annabelle Albright, Evelyn Wright, Marlene Newton. Row two, Mary G. Caughlin, Mary Jo Atchley, Martha Beall, Jane Tucker, Simia Holl, Mike Kalber, Eleanor Hinds, Janet Butler, John Walker, Marjorie Petry, Shirley Wright, Nancy Stricklett, and Carol Knowles. (1956 Sycamore, page 72)

Pi Omega Pi  (Chi Chapter)

The Pi Omega Pi chapter at Indiana State is one of ninety-four chapters in the country. Pi Omega Pi, in which membership is the highest goal attainable by an undergraduate in business education, came to this campus in 1932 and at the present time there are twenty-nine active members in the chapter.

Pi Omega Pi, Chi Chapter, December 6, 1955

Students in Pi Omega Pi, the Business Education Honorary Fraternity, gave our photographer an off-the-shoulder pose. (1956 Sycamore, page 72 & University Archive)
Active members include, first row, left to right, Richard Mitchell, Carol Knowles, Richard Surtees, Ruth Wise, Phyllis Grieve, Louise VanBuskerk.
Row two: Jo Ann Ford, Duane Terrell, Alonzo Deckard, Michael Kalber, David Mier, Jerry Harmon, Louise Clark.
Row three: Mickey Zimmerman, Nancy Stricklett, Donald Brown, Harrison Williams, Hannah Eller, Jerry Ferguson.
Standing: Herman Truelove, Helen Wood, Roy Hunter, George Eberhart.


Commerce Faculty, November 11, 1955

Members of the commerce faculty seated left to right are Dr. Paul Muse, Miss Ruthetta Krause, Miss Helen Wood, Miss Irma Whetstone. Standing, back row are Dr. Vachel Beidenbaugh, Mr. Herman Truelove, Mr. George Joblanski, Mr. Ray Hunter, Mr. Howard Bocko, Dr. George Eberhart. (1956 Sycamore, page 71 & University Archive)

Student: Marlene Newton

Marlene was a commerce student. In 1956 she was Sycamore Queen and in 1958, president of Zeta Tau Alpha sorority.

Marlene Newton, 1956

Marlene Newton (1956 Sycamore, page 132)

Around Town

Indiana State Teachers College sign, 1956

A group of students around the Indiana State Teachers College sign on the outskirts of Terre Haute (1956 Sycamore, page 208)
Indiana State Normal School was renamed to Indiana State Teachers College in 1929. In 1961, it would be renamed to Indiana State College.



Typing, 1957

Typing (1957 Sycamore, page 23)
“speedy” is the name – or, at least, this typing student hopes so!

Commerce Club

As its primary purpose Commerce Club aimed at stimulating educational and professional growth in the field of commerce. This club also enables business education students to become better acquainted with other students and with professors in the field.

Commerce Club 1957

Row 1: Mary Anderson, Robert Harrington, Richard Becker, Shirley Wright (reporter), Ella Bury (secretary), Robert Hoskinson [may be Haskinson], Jerry Mihlbachler (president), Marcia Kelley (vice-president), Paul F. Muse, Ruthetta Krause, V. E. Briedenbaugh
Row 2: Sharon Ayers, Mary Bradley, Sarann Owen, Phyllis Bates, Frances Dix, Reva Dee Roy, Kay Greenlee, Gwynne Cinotto, Myrna Myers, Simia Robinson, Gwen Steffy, Fred Wallace, Bob Chorack, Jim Horner, Dale butler
Row 3: Joe Alderson, Mary Anderson, Patricia Bitner, Marjorie Petry, Founeil Richards, Ellen Cox, Helen Smith, Barbara Crist, Zelia Heiser, Evelyn Wright, Marlene Newton, William Rourke, Janet Rogers, Art Lehmann, Jack Vought, Bill Reichert, Bill Osmon
Row 4: Patricia smith, Janet Butler, Sue Tarr, Sharon Joiner, Shirley Creasey, Sharon Nicoson, Anita Browning, Norma Henerberg, Phyllis Greve, Sherry Banham, Marilyn Sohn, Beverley Black, Joe horrell, Delane Robinson, Merrill Bonebrake, Richard Dugdale
Row 5: John Walker, Mary Bragg, Donald Wente, Charlene Pound, George Mattsey, William Weis, Ed Scott, Jon Cottrell, john Hintz, Bob Beall, Dale Newton, Ton Paige, Dick Alley
Row 6: Susie Kerr, Robert Hinshaw, Jessie Van Leer, Roy Walton, Damian Macey, Richard Schoeder, Albert Vogel, Dick Ballinger, Miller Carbon, Dick Ouweneel (1957 Sycamore, page 23)

Pi Omega Pi  (Chi Chapter)

Pi Omega Pi, commerce honorary, provided a worthy goal for the commerce student with an adequate index. During the year the honorary sponsored such activities as a dinner at the spring Business Education Clinic and an annual award to the outstanding senior in the department of business.

Pi Omega Pi, Chi Chapter, 1957

Pi Omega Pi (1957 Sycamore, page 23)
Row 1: Raleigh W. Holmstedt, Robert W. Harrington, Esteline Bradley, Ruth Wise, Ralph Lee, John Walker, Mary C. Coughlin, Marcia Kelley, Don Bailey, Sue Mahan, Patty Foltz.
Row 2: George Eberhardt, Julius C. McHay, Bernard Piwkiewicz, Paul F. Muse, Richard Becker, Roy Hunter, V. E. Breidenbaugh, Nicholas Dopuch, Robert E. Hoskinson, Jeraldine Blackburn, Barbara Crist, Kay Greenlee, Charlyn Marshall, Richard Krumpeck, Hannah Purcell, Phyllis Bates, Marilyn Osborne, Carolyn Crand, Milan Evans.

Around Campus: Gillum and Dreiser Halls

Gillum and Dreiser Halls, July 1956

View of the Administration and Health Center (now Gillum Hall), the Language and Mathematics Building (now Dreiser Hall), Parsons Hall, and the Science Building from across the Quadrangle (1957 Sycamore, pages 4 & 5 & University Archive)


Notes: The Commerce Department is now referred to as the Business Department (at least in the Yearbooks).


Typing, 1958

“Eyes on your paper; throw that carriage!” Commerce students know the value of office machines on any job (1958 Sycamore, pages 77 & 78)

Typing, 1958

Commerce Club

Furthering educational activities and promoting a closer relationship between students and the faculty of the business department was the primary purpose of the Commerce Club. Movies were presented by the organization each month projecting a specialized area in business in order that the commerce students could become more familiar with the world of work. Entertainment and refreshments were an attraction to the Fall Mixer which opened the social commerce calendar. A fall luncheon and a spring outing at Allendale also were a part of the Commerce club’s activities.
Officers: Janet Rogers, president; Ed Scott, vice president; Marilyn Osborne, secretary; Don Wente, treasurer; Dr. Muse, sponsor.

Commerce Club 1958

Row 1: Dorothy Farmer, Donnarae Parsons, Betsy Head, Dr. Paul Muse, De. Leone Orner, Donald Wente, Ed Scott, Janet Rogers, Richard Becker, Ruthetta Krause, Clara Morgan, JoAnn Uheir, Shirley Jean
Row 2, Dr. Robert Harrington, V. E. Breidenbaugh, Dotty Wiilis,   Nancy Lyon, Doris Bildilli, Martha Nussel, Sina Uttey, Bernadette Kovach, Marcia Kelley, Sue Torr, Patty Beltz, Peggy Klein, Carla Massa, Dorothy Sudroff, Mary Jo Bradley, Joy Flenner, Carol Paynem Janette D’el, George Mattsey, George Eberhardt.
Row 3: Sandra Vanderson, Karen Manchein, Marlene Jo Harmon, Linda Wheeler, Janet Butler, Lois Waltz, Fred Wallace, Arthur Ratcliffe, Sam Green, Jack Criss, John Sutorius, Herm Gruenholtz, Robert Henshaw (1958 Sycamore, page 78)

Pi Omega Pi  (Chi Chapter)

The Commerce Department faculty worked during the year to stimulate their students in educational and professional growth in the field of commerce. Pi Omega Pi was the goal of commerce students with a high index and an adequate amount of completed commerce courses. On honor day the organization presented an annual award to the outstanding senior in the department of business.

Pi Omega Pi, Chi Chapter, 1958

Pi Omega Pi (1958 Sycamore, page 77)
Row 1: Norma Henerberg, Marilyn Sohn, Judith Hughes, Alyce Ell, Mary G. Pilipouvich, Hannah Eller Purce’l
Row 2: Martha Nussel, Marcia Kelley, Frances Dix, Barbara Crist, Kay Greenlee, Marilyn Osborne
Row 3: Ralph D. Lee, Granville Tate, John Church, Jack Wieland, John Walker, William Vaught, Robert Harrington, Dr. George Eberhardt


Business Faculty 1958

Business Faculty 1958 Sycamore, page 138

Row 1: V. E. Breidenbaugh, Dr. Leone Orner, Dr. Paul F. Muse (chairman), Irma B. Whetstone, Ruthetta Krause
Row 2: Richard C. Tuttle, Edward Stracham, James Lame, Herschel Hallopeter, Richard Becker, Roy O. Hunter, Paul Pfister, Thomas H. Hicks, Herman F. Truelove, Dr. Robert Harrington, Byron L. Brown, Robert Steinbaugh, Dr. George Eberhart

Student: Marlene Newton

Marlene was a commerce student. In 1956 she was Sycamore Queen and in 1958, president of Zeta Tau Alpha sorority.

Marlene Newton, October 20, 1958

Marlene Newton. October 20, 1958. (University Archive)


Notes: Beta Iota Sigma chapter formed. This organization was formed to meet the needs of students majoring in business in a non-teaching curriculum. ​

Accounting Club

The Accounting Club founded in 1956 was open to any student majoring in accounting and business administration who had completed one year or twelve quarter hours in accounting and was an associate member of the American Accounting Association. The object of the club was to stimulate and promote further interest in the field of accounting. Technical sessions were held each month. A social meeting was held once a quarter.
Officers: James Kbonlett, president; Jack Houk, vice president; Robert Gord, treasurer, Clara Moran, secretary; Audrey Wjocik, reporter; V. E. Breidenbaugh, sponsor.

Accounting Club, December 9, 1958

Front Row: Jack Houk (vice-president), James Knoblett (president), Robert Gord (treasurer), Clara Morgan (secretary), Audrey Wojcik (reporter), V. E. Breidenbaugh (sponsor).
Back Row: Glenn Tyler, Merrill Bonebrake, Damian Macey, Arnold Cirtin, Richard Pearce, Ralph Butts, Donald Rusk, Gary McCarter, Max Morris. (1959 Sycamore, page 21 & University Archive)

Commerce Club

Promoting a closer relationship between the business students and the faculty of the business department was the primary purpose of the Commerce Club. The organization held monthly meetings in order to get the business students better acquainted with the professional world of work. One of the highlights socially was the annual spring outing at which all business students were invited as guests of the club.

Commerce Club, November 13, 1958

The 1959 Commerce Club (1959 Sycamore, page 20 & University Archive)

Pi Omega Pi  (Chi Chapter)

The goal of every commerce and business major was Pi Omega Pi. This business honorary accepted students with a high index and an adequate amount of completed commercial courses. The organization presented the annual award to the outstanding senior in the business department on Honor Day.

Pi Omega Pi, Chi Chapter, 1959

Pi Omege Pi (1959 Sycamore, page 20)
Row 1: Ronald Cross, Elmer Anderson, Jack Cooper, Diana Van Slyke, Mary Jo Bradley, Lewis Alexander, Jim Bowen, Dr. Robert Harrington (sponsor)
Row 2: Carol Dix, Donnarae Parsons, Patty Beltz, Patricia Bitner, Anita Sark, Jeanette Harpenou, jo Redenbarger,
Row 3: Alice Ell, Frances Dix, Marilyn Sohn


Business Faculty, October 8, 1958

Business Faculty 1959 Sycamore, page 20 & University Archive

Row 1: Dr. George J. Eberhart, Mrs. Irma B. Whetstone, Dr. Paul F. Muse, Miss Ruthetta Krause, Leone Orner, James E. Lane,
Row 2: Robert E. Hoskinson, V. E. Breidenbaugh, Roy O. Hunter, Dr. Robert W. Harrington, Warren H. Gardiner, Robert P. Steinbaugh, Herman F. Truelove, James F. Kane, Byron L. Brown

The Business Department faculty worked during the year to prepare students with the necessary background needed for their entrance into the professional world of business as well as the field of education. As an evidence of the growing interest of the students and faculty, one business club and one honorary were added to the department.

Fraternity: Beta Iota Sigma

This was Beta Iota Sigma’s first year on the campus. It was organized to meet the needs of students majoring in business on a non-teaching curriculum. The organization was so named because the Greek letters could also refer to Business at Indiana State. During the year, Beta Iota Sigma was engaged in several worthwhile activities. An excursion through WTHI provided members with a first-hand account of the inner-workings and behind-the-scenes preparation in the operation and management of a Television Station. A dinner meeting was held in May to which each member of the fraternity brought as their guest a member of the business world of the local area. In May 1959, Beta Iota Sigma petitioned Delta Sigma Pi, the professional business fraternity to become a Chapter, and became the Delta Tau chapter of Delta Sigma Pi on October 10, 1959.
Officers: Bruce Strupp (president), Sam Sappington (vice president), Ron Zuk (Secretary) Norm Bindley (treasurer), Dr. Paul Muse and Dr. George Eberhart (sponsors).

Beta Iota Sigma, January 8, 1959

Beta Iota Sigma non-teaching business fraternity 1959 Sycamore, page 21 and University Archive

Row 1: Dr. Paul Muse, Norman Bindley, Bruce Strupp, Sam Sappington, Ron Zuk, Dr. George Eberhart.
Row 2: Robert Sutherland, Noble Carter, John Kelly, Elmer Anderson, Don Nass, Joe DeLorne, Norm Smith, John Lewis.
Row 3: Damian Macey, Robert Brackney, Clarence Riggs, Robert Gard, Jack Whitinger, Merrill Bonebrake, John Moody, Donald Kitchel, Ronald Johnson, Charles Cahoon, Jerry Young.
Row 4: Philip Ahibraneo, William Randall, Ronald Baker, William Baldridge, Jack Hauk, Gary Acree, Billy McFarland, John Percy, Ken Stremming, James Kane.
Not Pictured: Donald Archer, Bob Templeton, Jack Williams, Jack Cooper, Ron Cross, James Knoblett, Bob Trinkle, Gene Dick.

Beta Iota Sigma Members

From the petition to Delta Sigma Pi

Gary Acree

Gary L. Acree

DOB: April 7, 1939
City: Brazil
Major: Merchandising
Graduation: 1961

Elmer Anderson

Elmer Anderson

DOB: December 28, 1930
City: Terre Haute
Major: Business
Graduation: June 1959


Donald E. Archer

DOB: August 21, 1925
City: Conception, Missouri
Major: Accounting
Graduation: June 1960


Ronald L. Baker

DOB: June 30, 1937
City: Brazil
Major: Business Administration
Graduation: 1960

William Baldridge

William A. Baldridge

DOB: October 9, 1935
City: Brazil
Major: Accounting
Graduation: June 1961

Norman Bindley

Norman M. Bindley

DOB: December 7, 1934
City: Terre Haute
Major: Merchandising
Graduation: February 1960

Merrill Bonebrake

Merrill L. Bonebrake

DOB: August 23, 1937
City: Hillsdale
Major: Accounting,  Business Administration
Graduation: June 1959


Robert E. Brackney

DOB: October 31, 1933
City: Brazil
Major: Accounting,  Business Administration
Graduation: August 1959

Noble Carter

Noble L. Carter

DOB: January 20, 1934
City: Hammond
Major: Business Administration, Merchandising
Graduation: June 1961

Ronald Cross

Ronald L. Cross

DOB: July 14, 1932
City: Robinson, Illinois
Major: Business Administration
Graduation: June 1959

August DeLorme

August Joseph DeLorme

DOB: January 19, 1934
City: Terre Haute
Major: Business Administration
Graduation: January 1960

Robert Gard

Robert L. Gard

DOB: March 21,1930
City: Brazil
Major: Business
Graduation: August 1959

Ronald Johnson

Ronald Lee Johnson

DOB: November 4, 1937
City: Fort Wayne
Major: Business Administration
Graduation: June 1960

James Kane

James F. Kane

DOB: November 23, 1931
City: Terre Haute
Major: Business Administration
Graduation: August 1958

[James became a recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Award in 1976]

Donald Kitchel

Donald L. Kitchel

DOB: August 25, 1938
City: Logansport
Major: Business 
Graduation: June 1960

James Knoblett

James A. Khoblett

DOB: July 1, 1934
City: Robinson, Illinois
Major: Accounting, Business 
Graduation: 1959

Damian Macey

Damian T. Macey

DOB: September 9, 1938
City: Martinsville, Illinois
Major: Accounting
Graduation: June 1960

Billy Jean McFarland

Billy Jean McFarland

DOB: February 21, 1937
City: West Terre Haute
Major: Merchandising
Graduation: June 1960

[Bill became a recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Award in 1980]

John Moody

John M. Moody

DOB: October 7, 1938
City: Springfield, Illinois
Major: Accounting, Business Administration
Graduation: June 1960

Donald Naas

Donald Ray Naas

DOB: February 21, 1939
City: Fort Branch
Major: Accounting
Graduation: June 1961

John Percy

John David Percy

DOB: July 5, 1936
City: West Terre Haute
Major: Business,  Merchandising
Graduation: June 1959

William Randall

William S. Randall

DOB: July 5, 1933
City: Scottland, Illinois
Major: Accounting, Business Administration
Graduation: August 1959

Clarence Riggs

Clarence Riggs

DOB: October 14, 1937
City: Spencer
Major: Accounting
Graduation: June 1960

Samuel Sappington

Samuel Van Cleave Sappington III

DOB: March18, 1935
City: Terre Haute
Major: Accounting, Business Administration
Graduation: June 1959

Norman Smith

Norman Harold Smith

DOB: March 6, 1937
City: Terre Haute
Major: Accounting, Business Administration
Graduation: June 1960

Ken Stremming

Ken Stremming

DOB: August 24, 1930
City: Westphalia
Major: Merchandising
Graduation: January 1960

Bruce Strupp

Bruce Strupp

DOB: February 28, 1938
City: Terre Haute
Major: Merchandising
Graduation: June 1960

Jack Whitinger

Jack Whitinger

DOB: February 3, 1939
City: Frankfort
Major: Merchandising
Graduation: June 1961

Jerry Young

Jerry D. Young

DOB: August 30, 1932
City: Connersville
Major: Business Administration
Graduation: 1959

Ronald Zuk

Ronald George Zuk

DOB: March 19, 1937
City: Whiting
Major: Business Administration
Graduation: June 1960