NFI: 11AIPPS Speakers

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Washington D.C. - Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Complex Challenges of International and U.S. Regimes: Who's in Charge Here?

Senator Joe Donnelly (D-IN)

Member, Senate Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs Committee and member of the Subcommittee on Securities, Insurance, and Investment

Joe DonnellySenator Joe Donnelly is honored to represent the State of Indiana in the U.S. Senate. Previously, he served the 2nd Congressional District of Indiana in the House of Representatives, and was first elected in 2006. After being reelected to the House in 2008 and 2010, he was elected to the Senate in 2012.

Joe serves on the Armed Services, Agriculture, and Aging Committees. On the Agriculture Committee, he serves on the following subcommittees: Commodities, Markets, Trade and Risk Management, of which he is the chairman; Jobs, Rural Economic Growth and Energy Innovation; and Livestock, Dairy, Poultry, Marketing and Agriculture Security.

Prior to serving in Congress, Joe helped run a small business in Mishawaka. As a result of this firsthand experience, Joe understands the unique challenges that business owners face today. Joe has also practiced law in South Bend. Joe previously worked with both Democrats and Republicans to ensure fair and accurate election results by serving on the Indiana State Election Board from 1988 to 1989.

Congressman Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO)

Member, House Financial Services Committee and Chair of the Subcommittee on Housing & Insurance

Blaine LuetkemeyerAs the Congressman from the 3rd Congressional District of Missouri, Luetkemeyer is committed to representing the interests of the hard-working people by being a strong voice for them in Washington, D.C.

Along with his strong agriculture background, he was also a small businessman, having been in the banking and insurance business. Luetkemeyer has also served as a bank regulator for the state of Missouri earlier in his career.

From 1999 to 2005, Luetkemeyer was a Missouri State Representative and served as Chairman of the Financial Services Committee and was elected by his colleagues to serve as the House Republican Caucus Chairman.

Building on his experience as a bank examiner, small businessman and community banker, Luetkemeyer serves as vice chairman of the House Small Business Committee where he also serves on the House Small Business Subcommittees on Health and Technology and Agriculture, Energy and Trade. Luetkemeyer also serves on the House Financial Services Committee where he also serves on the panel's Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit Committee and is vice chairman of the Housing and Insurance Subcommittee.

Governor Dirk Kempthorne

President and CEO, American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI)

Dirk KempthorneDirk Kempthorne was appointed president and CEO of the American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI) in November 2010. Governor Kempthorne is the chief representative and spokesman for the life insurance industry before Congress, the administration and in all state capitals.

Governor Kempthorne advocates to policy-makers at all levels of government about the important role life insurers play in providing financial and retirement security to American families. His efforts help shape national and state policies that make it easier for families to manage risk and ensure they have long-term savings and guaranteed income-for-life options in retirement.

Governor Kempthorne was born in San Diego, California, but has called Idaho his home state for most of his life. He graduated from the University of Idaho in 1975 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science. Governor Kempthorne began his commitment to public service in 1985, when he was elected Mayor of the City of Boise, Idaho. After serving seven years as Mayor, he was elected to the United States Senate in 1993. He left the Senate after one term and was elected Governor of Idaho in 1998, and was easily re-elected for a second term in 2002. While serving as Governor, Kempthorne achieved the largest Indian Water Rights settlement in Idaho’s history, ending 150 years of dispute.

Commissioner Kevin McCarty (FL)

Member and Past President, National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC)

Kevin McCartyKevin M. McCarty was appointed the first insurance commissioner by the Governor and Florida Cabinet in January 2003.McCarty’s work within the NAIC ensures Florida consumers and insurers have a voice on national insurance issues. He served as President of the NAIC in 2012, and achieved the organization’s key initiatives which included: approving changes to the Actuarial Guideline 38 (AG38); and the adoption of the Valuation Manual for implementing Principle Based Reserving. Florida is participating on over 50 committees, task forces and work groups in 2014. McCarty also serves as Secretary of the Non-Admitted Insurance Multi-State Agreement (NIMA) group.

He has elevated Florida’s international presence by serving as an NAIC representative on the International Association of Insurance Supervisors’ (IAIS) Executive and Technical Committees and is the co-vice chair of the IAIS Executive Committee. McCarty and the Office received the 2010 Esprit de Corps Award for outstanding service to the NAIC. He was selected for the Spirit of Independence Award in 2011 from the National Association of Health Underwriters for his work to preserve the role of health insurance agents in light of federal health care reforms.

Kevin M. McCarty began his career in public service in 1988 becoming an expert in workers’ compensation issues with the Department of Labor and Employment Security. His experience gained him a position with the Florida Department of Insurance in 1991. In 1992, McCarty became a point-man to implement strategies to improve the private marketplace following the devastation of Hurricane Andrew.

Michael T. McRaith

Director, Federal Insurance Office (FIO)

Michael T. McRaithMichael T. McRaith was appointed the Director of the Federal Insurance Office (FIO) in June 2011. As Director of FIO, McRaith advises Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew on domestic and prudential international insurance matters of importance.

The FIO monitors all aspects of the insurance sector, including access to affordable insurance for traditionally underserved communities and consumers, minorities and low- and moderate income persons. McRaith also serves as a non-voting member of the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC).

Director McRaith is responsible for coordination of Federal efforts and the development of Federal policy on prudential aspects of international insurance matters. As FIO Director, McRaith represents the United States at the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) and in other bi-lateral and multi-lateral international insurance matters.

Charles (Chuck) M. Chamness

President and CEO, National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (NAMIC)

Charles (Chuck) M. ChamnessCharles M. (Chuck) Chamness has served as president and CEO of the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies since 2003. Prior to his appointment he was Executive Vice President.

Chuck joined NAMIC in 1995 as vice president of public affairs. Prior to joining NAMIC, he spent the previous decade in Washington, D.C. in a variety of positions in public affairs, financial services and housing policy. He has testified before both House and Senate committees on topics ranging from the Dodd-Frank Act impact on insurance to the industry’s response to Hurricane Katrina. His background includes service in the first Bush Administration as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs at HUD under Secretary Jack Kemp, Director of Public Affairs for the Federal Housing Finance Board and as a press secretary on Capitol Hill.

He serves as chairman of the board of NAMIC Insurance Company (NAMICO), an A.M Best "A" rated $45 million/asset professional liability insurance company and as a director of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety and American Partners Bank.

Peter Gallanis

President, National Organization of Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Associations (NOLHIGA)

Peter GallanisMr. Gallanis is generally responsible for all of the financial, legal, strategic, educational, communications, and administrative services that NOLHGA provides to its membership. He is an active member of the insolvency response working groups for a number of major insolvencies.

Prior to joining NOLHGA in 1999, Mr. Gallanis was the Special Deputy Receiver for the State of Illinois, where he managed the administration of approximately eighty insolvent domestic insurers of all types. He had been Illinois Special Deputy Receiver since 1995 and General Counsel of the Office of the Special Deputy Receiver since 1992.

Before that, Mr. Gallanis was a partner in a large law firm in Chicago, where he was in private practice from 1978 through 1991. Mr. Gallanis also served as Adjunct Professor of Insurance Law at the DePaul University College of Law in Chicago from 1992 through 1999.

He received a bachelor’s degree from the University of Chicago in 1975 and a law degree from the University of Illinois College of Law in 1978. He is admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court and the Supreme Court of the State of Illinois.

Aaron Klein

Director of the Financial Regulatory Reform Initiative, Bipartisan Policy Center

Aaron KleinPrior to his appointment as director of Financial Regulatory Reform Initiative in 2009, Klein served at the Treasury Department as the deputy assistant secretary for economic policy, policy coordination. In that capacity he has worked on financial regulatory reform issues including crafting and helping secure passage of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010. He also played a leading role on housing finance reform, transportation and infrastructure policy and TARP implementation.

He served for over eight years on the staff of the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee, most recently as chief economist. Here he worked on numerous pieces of legislation, including the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act (EESA), the Housing and Economic Recovery Act (HERA), the surface transportation reauthorization (SAFETEA), the Check 21 Act, the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. He also led the committee’s economic policy agenda which included oversight over the Federal Reserve, confirmation hearings for the Council of Economic Advisers and issues regarding financial literacy.

C. Jack Maynard

Interim Provost, Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Professor of Education, Indiana State University

C. Jack MaynardC. Jack Maynard currently serves as Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Indiana State University. His initial appointment to the University was in 2001 when he was hired as Dean of the School of Education. In 2004, Dr. Maynard was named Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and served in that role until 2013, at which point he returned to the faculty in the Department of Educational Leadership. Prior to coming to ISU, he served as the founding dean of the School of Education and Human Services at the University of Michigan-Flint. He has also held key leadership positions at the University of Toledo and at Marshall University (Huntington, WV). While at the University of Toledo, he served as associate dean of the College of Education and Allied Professions. He was also director of the Northwest Ohio Urban Partnership/University Initiative. At Marshall University, he served as acting dean, associate dean, assistant dean, assistant director of field experiences, and professor.

Dr. Maynard has been active in teacher education policy development in West Virginia and Ohio. While in Ohio, he chaired the Ohio Advisory Commission on Teacher Education and the Teacher Education Standards Revision. He held a similar position in West Virginia. He is a Board of Examiner Member for the National Council for Accreditation for Teacher Education and has served on over 40 accrediting teams. He has also been active in improving teacher education in China and has conducted summer leadership activities for higher education faculty in China.

Frank Nutter

President, Reinsurance Association of America

Frank NutterFrank Nutter has been president of the Reinsurance Association of America (RAA) since 1991. He held the same position with the RAA from 1981-1984.

In the interim, he was president of the Alliance of American Insurers and the Property Loss Research Bureau, which have now merged to be part of the PCI (Property Casualty Insurance Association of America).

Mr. Nutter currently serves on the Board of the International Hurricane Research Center; the Advisory Board of the Center for Health and the Global Environment, an adjunct to the Harvard University Medical School; the Board of the Angus Robinson, Jr., Memorial Foundation; and the Advisory Board of the OECD’s International Network for the Financial Management of Large Scale Disasters.

Mr. Nutter received a Juris Doctorate from the Georgetown University Law Center and a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of Cincinnati.

Hester Peirce

Senior Research Fellow, George Mason University Mercatus Center

Hester PeirceHester Peirce is a senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University and program director for the Financial Markets Working Group. Her primary research interests relate to the regulation of the financial markets.

Before joining Mercatus, Peirce served on Senator Richard Shelby’s staff on the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. In that position, she worked on financial regulatory reform following the financial crisis of 2008 as well as oversight of the regulatory implementation of the Dodd-Frank Act. Peirce served at the Securities and Exchange Commission as a staff attorney and as counsel to Commissioner Paul S. Atkins.

She currently serves on the Investor Advisory Committee, which advises the Securities and Exchange Commission. Peirce’s work has been published in such outlets as The Hill and American Banker, and she is a regular contributor to Real Clear Markets. She is the editor of, and a contributor to, the book Dodd-Frank: What It Does and Why It’s Flawed, published by Mercatus in 2012.

Karen Shaw Petrou

Co-founder and Managing Partner, Federal Financial Analytics, Inc.

Karen Shaw PetrouKaren Shaw Petrou was dubbed by the American Banker in 2012 the "sharpest mind analyzing banking policy today - maybe ever."

She is the co-founder and Managing Partner of Federal Financial Analytics, Inc., a privately-held company that, since 1985, has provided analytical and advisory services on legislative, regulatory, and public-policy issues affecting financial services companies doing business in the U.S. and abroad. The firm’s practice is a unique blend of strategic advice and policy analysis that does not include lobbying or any other projects that would compromise its objectivity and independence. This, Petrou believes, gives boards of directors, senior management and regulators the best advice on emerging issues on which to base their own strategic planning and advocacy.

Prior to founding her own firm in 1985, Ms. Petrou worked in Washington as an officer at Bank of America, where she began her career in 1977. She is an honors graduate in Political Science from Wellesley College and also was a special student in an honors program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She earned an M.A. in that subject from the University of California at Berkeley, and was a doctoral candidate there. She is an advisory member of the board of the Morin Center for Banking and Financial Law.

Leigh Ann Pusey

President and CEO, American Insurance Association

Leigh Ann PuseyLeigh Ann Pusey is the president and CEO of the American Insurance Association (AIA). She oversees the organization's operations and works directly with AIA’s Board of Directors to develop and guide the strategic mission of the association. AIA is the leading property-casualty insurance trade organization, representing 350 insurers that write more than $123 billion in premiums each year.

A veteran of the insurance industry, Ms. Pusey joined AIA in December 1996 and was elevated to president and CEO in February 2009. Previously she served as chief operating officer and senior vice president of government affairs where she was responsible for the association’s government affairs department and AIA’s interests before Congress and state legislatures on all matters of importance to the property-casualty industry. She began her tenure with the association as senior vice president for public affairs.

Pusey is consistently recognized by The Hill publication as one of the top lobbyists in Washington, D.C. and in 2012 she was named by National Journal as one of the 25 "Most Influential Women in Washington." She is frequently quoted in the news media and consulted by policy makers and Wall Street for her views on issues facing the property-casualty industry. In addition to her role as CEO, Ms. Pusey also serves in various capacities for a number of organizations, including as a member of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Committee of 100, and board member of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), Business Industry Political Action Committee's (BIPAC) Prosperity Fund, and the Bryce Harlow Foundation.

Charles T. Richardson

Partner, Faegre Baker Daniels

Charles T. RichardsonCharlie Richardson is a nationally known insurance lawyer with more than 40 years of experience. He is a partner in the Washington, D.C. office of Faegre Baker Daniels and is a senior advisor in FaegreBD Consulting, the firm’s national advisory and advocacy division. Charlie currently chairs the firm’s Financial Services Industry team and was the leader of the firm’s insurance practice group for more than 30 years.

Charlie concentrates his work in the insolvency, corporate/regulatory and public policy areas of the insurance practice. He practices in the areas of insurance company rehabilitations and liquidations, including representation of the National Organization of Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Associations (NOLHGA) and the National Conference of Insurance Guaranty Funds (NCIGF). In the corporate/regulatory arena, Charlie assists insurance companies with change in control proceedings, and all types of regulatory, agent, policy approval, accounting, mergers and acquisitions, market conduct and reinsurance matters. In the public policy area, he represents clients before Congress, Treasury, the Federal Insurance Office, the Federal Reserve, the FDIC and the NAIC.

With roots dating back to 1863, Faegre Baker Daniels is one of the 75 largest law firms headquartered in the U.S. and has offices in Washington, D.C., California, Colorado, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, London and China.

David A. Sampson

President and CEO, Property Casualty Insurers Association of America (PCI)

David A. SampsonAs president of PCI and its affiliates, Sampson is responsible for leading PCI’s advocacy efforts on state, federal and global regulatory issues affecting the insurance industry. Sampson has increased PCI’s focus on providing data-driven information and thought leadership to policymakers to protect product certainty, promote sound supervision, and enhance solvency protection.

Sampson’s unique combination of extensive financial services and management experience, global insights and political acumen combine to make him a strong leader, and he was named to the Insurance Newscast’s list of the 100 Most Powerful People in the Insurance Industry. Sampson is also president of the Independent Statistical Service (ISS), one of the industry's largest and most trusted statistical agents. Sampson serves on the Board of Directors of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety and the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety. He is also a member of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s "Association Committee of 100," a group of CEOs from the nation’s leading trade associations.

Prior to joining PCI in 2007, Sampson served in the George W. Bush Administration in two presidential-appointed and Senate-confirmed positions. From 2005 - 2007, he served as the Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Commerce, the Department’s chief operating officer overseeing its 15 agencies including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, the Economic and Statistics Administration, the International Trade Administration, and the U.S. Census Bureau.

Brien Smith

Dean, Scott College of Business, Indiana State University

Brien SmithBrien Smith is dean of the Scott College of Business at Indiana State University. He was previously associate dean for the Miller College of Business at Ball State University. Smith attained his PhD in industrial/organizational psychology in 1989 from Auburn University. He has 20 years of administrative experience in higher education and has actively participated in university governance. Smith previously served as the chair for the Department of Marketing and Management, assistant to the dean for graduate programs, and vice chairperson of the Department of Management.

Smith has published numerous articles in refereed proceedings and journals, including some of the best journals in the field: Journal of Applied Psychology,Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Group and Organization Management, and Journal of Business and Psychology. He has delivered presentations and speeches at national and international conferences. He has 10 years of leadership experience in the Ball State University Senate, including senate chair (twice) and faculty council chair. He is a coauthor of the current Ball State University Senate Constitution (Senate Reorganization Committee), teaches courses in human resource management, and was named the 1994-1995 Ball State University Teaching Professor (now known as the Excellence in Teaching Award).

Thomas R. Sullivan

Senior Adviser, Banking Supervision and Regulation Division, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System

Thomas R. Sullivan

Thomas R. Sullivan was appointed to his current position in June, 2014. Previously he was appointed Connecticut’s 30th Insurance Commissioner in the nearly 150 year history of the agency, by Governor M. Jodi Rell, in April of 2007.

Customer service and consumer relations were hallmarks of the Commissioner’s 20+ year career in the insurance industry. Commissioner Sullivan began his professional career at The Hartford, advancing through various responsibilities in management, leadership, and ultimately executive level positions culminating as Senior Vice President, of Specialty Risk Services, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Hartford. Commissioner Sullivan was active in various risk and insurance management functions on issues ranging from changing demographics in the workforce to workers' compensation costs.

Commissioner Sullivan has been an active member of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC). He has led and served on a number of committees including the Government Relations Leadership Counsel, Life and Annuities, Property Casualty, and Accreditation Committees, along with the Climate Change Task Force.

Mitchell Wasmund

Student and NFI Scholar, Scott College of Business, Indiana State University

Mitchell WasmundMitchell Wasmund is a junior at Indiana State University studying Finance and Spanish. In his tenure at Indiana State, he has received the President’s Scholarship and the President Landini Outstanding Junior of the Year Award. He is also a Networks Professional Development Program scholar which is focused on developing aspiring business students into professionals. Examples of his professional development experience include finance and insurance industry visits to Germany, Switzerland, Indianapolis, and Boston, MA, as well as two internships in financial management.

He is from Indianapolis, where he plans to return upon graduation in December of 2015 for a fruitful career in the finance and financial services field.

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