NFI Scholars
Networks Scholar Benefits
and then any one of the following three criteria:
“The Networks Program helps mold young and ambitious business majors into future leaders inside the class room and beyond. Networks has given me the self-confidence and practical skills to travel to 15 countries in Europe when I studied abroad. Networks also taught me the business and interview expertise I needed to secure three internships, the last of which is at an international accounting firm, my dream job upon graduation. Studying abroad and internship opportunities are not as easily obtained for students outside of the program."
— Bram Blackwell “As a born and raised Texan, it was daunting to move over eight hundred miles away. To unnerve me even more, I took on a role within the Networks Program as Industry Relations team leader, a position that relies primarily on connections in the Terre Haute area. This role has pushed me out of my comfort zone and challenges me constantly to become a better leader. Over the past year, my fellow scholars and the Ed Team have been nothing but supportive in my role within the program, making my transition to the Midwest auspicious.” - Julia Linton |
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