SMIFC: Research: SMIFC Statistics

This is a subset of the data on the SMIF Statistics page showing just the data for SMIFC partners.

The Statistics

The statistics in the tables below were calculated using only the values that are known.

Year Formed

Amount under Management

Growth of the SMIFs in SMIFC

The number of SMIFs that have been created per decade from 1950 to the current one.

The Size of the Funds in SMIFC

The range of the size of the funds and the number of colleges that hold them.

The column "< $250,000" for example includes SMIFs that hold between $100,000 (the column to the left) and $249,999.

NB: The x-axis scale is not linear.

The Growth of SMIFC

The cumulative number of SMIFs in SMIFC


A Google Sheet that was created for this survey is open to inspection and contains the findings of Jennings, Saunders and Lawrence as well as the web pages visited.

Student Managed Investment Fund Consortium (SMIFC)