Agenda for 2012 Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Conference

March 26, 2012 Agenda

9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Check-in and Registration

10-10:50 a.m. General Session

Topic: Five Keys to Success

Learn important tools to help you be a successful professional.

  • Mr. Denny Sponsel

    Denny Sponsel purchased RJE Business Interiors in 2000 with over 30 years experience in the furniture industry. RJE is a contract office furniture dealership representing over 100 lines of furniture and office accessories, the primary vendor being Knoll and Knoll Studio. For the past eight years RJE has been providing design services, consultations, sales expertise, exemplary customer service and furniture for the business community located throughout central Indiana. In addition, RJE also offers warehousing and storage services, reconfiguration, removal of existing furniture, furniture restoration and 24-hr on-call emergency service to all of its customers.

Facilitator: Mr. Riley Christy, Insurance and Risk Management Major

Location: HMSU Dede I

11-11:50 a.m. Concurrent Sessions

A. Clever Accounting or Fraud?:

How has forensic accounting caught numerous fraudulent actions created by top executives?

  • Dr. Thomas D. Harris, Professor of Accounting, Indiana State University

Facilitator: Mr. Brandon Kerker, Marketing Major

B. Insurance Ethics

How far will insurance companies go in order to make their businesses succeed?

  • Ms. Dondra Wininger, Indiana Insurance, Commercial Lines Underwriter

Facilitator: Ms. Kristen Hurt, Insurance and Risk Management Major, Spanish Minor

C. Climbing the Corporate Ladder Without Falling

How to work your way up in a company the ethical way?

  • Mr. Brian McLeish, State Farm, Agency Field Executive

Facilitator: Ms. Jaclin Huxford, Financial Services Major, Insurance and Risk Management Minor

D. Not on the Same Sheet of Music:

What are the consequences of music piracy?

  • Dr. Piechocinski, Associate Professor, Coordinator and Director of Indiana State University’s Music Business Program

Facilitator: Ms. Jenna Vaal, Accounting Major, Forensic Accounting Minor

E. Corporate Ethical Values:

How do you incorporate ethical values into the culture of a company?

  • Mr. Chris Bulger, Farmers Insurance, Claims Records Manager

Facilitator: Mr. Riley Christy, Insurance and Risk Management Major

F. Law and Ethics:

What are the challenges to making ethical decisions in the criminal justice system?

  • Judge Mark Shaner, Circuit Judge, Crawford County, Illinois

Facilitator: Mr. Logan Eitel, Management Major

G. NCAA: A Full-Time Employer?

How much should students receive to play sports? Is it a "full-time" job?

  • Ms. Angie Lansing, Assistant Athletic Director for Business Affairs, Senior Woman Administrator

Facilitator: Mr. Wade Bush, Marketing Major, Sports and Recreation Management Minor

H. Ethics in Politics:

How does campaigning work and how do you go about it ethically?

  • Mr. Bob Heaton, House of Representatives 46th district, ISU Alumnus

Facilitator: Mr. Miguel De La Rosa, Marketing Major, Communications Minor

I. Streamlining, Outsourcing, and Ethics:

How much is too much?

  • Mike Wood, Director of Procurement, Sony DADC

  • Dr. Kuntal Bhattacharyya, Operations Management and Analysis Professor, Indiana State University

Facilitator: Ms. Allison Stearley, Accounting Major, Forensic Accounting Minor

J. Is That All I Get? Ethical Issues of "Oversize" Packaging:

What is packaging? What is ethical oversize packaging? Are packages deceptive? What should consumers do?

  • Mr. Marion Schafer, Applied Engineering and Management, Indiana State University

Facilitator: Mr. Andrew Graman, Insurance and Risk Management Major, Marketing Minor

K. What’s Not in the Playbook:

How do you create a successful team?

  • Mr. Trent Miles, Football Coach, Indiana State University

Facilitator: Ms. Rebecca Hallisey, Marketing and Management Major

12-12:50 p.m. Luncheon Keynote Speaker

Topic: Setting the Bar: How to Create and Sustain an Ethical Work Environment:

Ethics has two forms – the philosophical and the practical. This isn’t the usual presentation. It blends both because the philosophical without the practical is lost. The practical without the philosophical is rote. To understand ethics is to stand in both places. Hopefully, I can add to your personal understanding of both.

Joel was also responsible for the creation of the Sycamore Athletic Foundation, the recruitment of its board of directors and professional staff. He earned his bachelor’s of science degree in communication/public relations from Indiana State University, and is currently finishing work on a Master of Arts in Communication. Prior to joining the Foundation, Joel worked for regionally based Old National Trust Company, and private investment firm, Spyglass Investment Management.

  • Mr. Joel Harbaugh

    Joel is the Interim Vice President of Development for the Indiana State University Foundation. Joel has served the Foundation in multiple roles during the previous nine years, including Director of Gift Planning, Senior Director of Development and Associate Vice President. During his tenure, he lead the major gift development team through the University’s first comprehensive campaign, the $85 Million March On! Campaign for Indiana State University.

Facilitator: Mr. Miguel de la Rosa, Marketing Major, Communications Minor

Location: HMSU Dede I

1-1:50 p.m. Concurrent Sessions

M. Airplane! Ain’t So Funny:

What are the extra pressures being put on pilots with the current job cuts?

  • Mr. Nate Brown, Owner Pimanco, Inc.

Facilitator: Mr. Wade Bush, Marketing Major, Rec and Sports Management Minor

N. Marketing Mix-Up:

How do marketers balance ethics and effectiveness?

  • Mrs. Sara Williams, Instructor of Marketing, Indiana State University

Facilitator: Ms. Brooke Knight, Insurance and Risk Management Major

O. My Boss Likes to Play Favorites:

Managing employees by eliminating favoritism and tension in the workplace.

  • Mr. Kevin Kelly, Regional President, State Auto Insurance

Facilitator: Mr. Miguel de la Rosa, Marketing Major, Communications Minor

P. Ethics and Global Supply Chains - A Tale of Contrast:

How do ethics in global supply chain management work?

  • Dr. Kuntal Bhattacharyya, Assistant Professor of Operations Management Analysis, Indiana State University

  • Ms. Taysha Jelks, Manangement Major, Indiana State University

  • Ms. Halee Myers, Marketing Major, Accounting Minor, Indiana State University

  • Mr. Braulio Martinez, Management Major, Indiana State University

  • Ms. Jade Conrad, Marketing Major, Communications Minor, Indiana State University, CEO of Williams Randall Marketing

Facilitator: Ms. Kristen Hurt, Insurance and Risk Management Major, Spanish Minor

Q. Push and Shove:

When do auditors dig too deep?

  • Dr. Jeff Decker, Professor of Accounting, Indiana State University

Facilitator: Ms. Allison Stearley, Accounting Major, Forensic Accounting Minor

R. The Importance of Ethics in Today’s Times:

How do you define ethics? How has ethics been covered in the news the past few years? How do companies deal with ethics?

  • Mr. Richard Dubé, Corporate Compliance and Ethics Head Officer, Old National Insurance

Facilitator: Mr. Andrew Graman, Insurance and Risk Management Major, Marketing Minor

S. Ethical Decision-Making:

This is an interactive case study on how to make decisions in an ethical manner.

  • Dr. William Wilhelm, Program Coordinator and Professor of Business Education, Information, and Technology, Indiana State University

Facilitator: Ms. Rebecca Hallisey, Marketing and Management Major

T. Equity Inside the Classroom:

Are classroom settings fair for all students? How can you make your classroom fair?

  • Ms. Linda Luebke, Assistant Professor of Music Education, Indiana State University

Facilitator: Ms. Jenna Vaal, Accounting Major, Forensic Accounting Minor

U. One Nation Under God?:

Should prayer and religion be allowed in public schools?

  • Mr. David Hickox, Biology Instructor, Casey-Westfield High School & Preacher, Church of Christ

Facilitator: Mr. Michael Hickox, Finance and Management Major

V. Surprise! Take a Risk…

This "surprise" interactive session will focus on team leadership

  • Dr. Arthur Sherwood, Associate Professor of Management, Indiana State University

  • Wesley Fishero, Business Administration Major, Indiana State University

  • Stephen Gregg, Business Administration Major, Indiana State University

  • Kelsey Kellett, Management Major, Indiana State University

  • Braulio Martinez, Management Major, Indiana State University

  • Michelle McCammack, Management Major, Indiana State University

  • SangEun Shin, Management Major, Indiana State University, Adjunct Faculty, Indiana State University

Facilitator: Mr. Logan Eitel, Management Major

2-2:50 p.m. General Session

Servant Leadership:

What are the ethical dilemmas facing local businesses and how can you give back to the community?

  • Mr. Bob Baesler

Bob Baesler earned his degree in business administration from Indiana State in 1972. From there, he became a partner with his father at Baesler's Market, making him the fourth generation to operate the area's oldest local retail grocery store. As a business owner, Baesler has encouraged many young adults to pursue their education at Indiana State, offering them financial reimbursement for grades as well as adjusting their work schedules so they could meet classroom obligations.

Facilitator: Mr. Riley Christy, Insurance and Risk Management Major

Location: HMSU Dede I
